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April (2019)
Las Vegas

"So I was thinking that maybe you and Benji could do something fun while I check out these spaces." Dean says as he and Renee get settled in their Vegas hotel room.

"You don't want us to come with?"

"It wouldn't be fair to Benji. Going from building to building. He would get very bored, very fast."

"I thought the whole point of coming out here with you was so we could spend time together as a family."

"And we will. I just want to get the business out of the way first." Renee sighs. "What?" Renee shakes her head. "No. What is it?"

"This is the first time we're really together as a family since... everything happened."

"We're good now. Nothing like that is going to happen again." Renee sighs.

"I know. I know but I just want us to be together." Dean takes his wife's hands.

"I promise we will spend as much time together as possible after I finish this business. Okay?" She nods and he kisses her cheek. "Benji?" He comes into the room.

"I'm here Daddy!" Benji jumps into Dean's arms.

"I need you to be good for Mommy while I go do some work things. Okay?"

"Will I see you when you're done Daddy?"

"Of course you will. We're going to have so much fun together when I'm finished." Dean hugs his son. "I'll see you later ok Benny?"

"Okay Daddy. See you later." Dean puts his son down and looks at his wife. "I'll be back later. I love you."

"I love you too." He kisses her and leaves the hotel. Renee looks down at her son. "So what do you want to do first buddy?" He thinks about it.

"I wanna see fishies!"

"Alright. Let's find an aquarium."



Mike types away on his computer with his layout for his next MizTV video.

"Hey babe." Maryse walks into the office. He looks up from his computer at his wife's face.

"Hi beautiful." He smiles.

"What are you up to?" He stretches.

"Just planning the next video. You know Dean is out in Vegas looking for a new spot."

"By himself?"

"No. He took Renee and Benji with him."

"Hm hm."

"Don't give me that look. He's not like that anymore."

"Uh huh. Sure. Anyways, there's something I wanted to talk to you about." Miz closes his laptop.

"This sounds serious."

"It kind of is."

"Is everything okay?" She digs in her bag and puts her surprise on the desk. Miz looks down at the table and back at her. "Are you serious?" She nods. "I mean are you absolutely sure?" She pulls out 3 more and lays them down.

"You're gonna be a dad." She smiles.

"I'm gonna be a dad." He jumps out of his seat and hugs his wife.

"Yes." She laughs. "You're going to be a dad." Miz presses kisses all over Maryse with pure happiness. He pulls away from his wife.

"How are we going to tell people? We should throw a party! A big and extravagant party and invite everyone on the face of the Earth. Everyone should know that we're having a baby. I should rent a billboard and a plane to write it in the sky!"

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