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Braun is no fool

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Braun is no fool. He knows when something is wrong with his wife and for the past month, it's like she's been walking on eggshells around him. Now he knows he hasn't done anything wrong, so there must be something on her end.

"Dominique." Braun says after she finishes the dishes. "What's going on with you?"

"Nothing." She dries her hands and goes into their living room.

"How long have we been together?"

"Is that a rhetorical question?"

"Just answer the question please."

"Dating 4 years, married 3."

"So I would know when you're upset right?" She shrugs.

"I guess..."

"Then talk to me." Dominique sighs.

"You should sit down." He sits on the couch. "The night of the reunion, Alberto came."

"Del Rio?" She nods. "Why?"

"To offer the club a deal. And the guys accepted."

"What kind of deal?"

"To deal cocaine out of the club."

"No. No Dominique. Please tell me that's not true."

"It's true. That's what we've been doing for the past month."

"Dom... drugs—"

"Are bad. I know. I tried telling them that but they won't listen." Braun sighs and leans back.

"How long are you supposed to deal?"

"Only for a year."

"Fuck. Does your dad know?" Dominique shakes her head.

"They wanted you to run point on security but I told them to leave you out of it."

"Well we're married so I'm in it now. How is it working?"

"The shipments come in every Monday and Thursday disguised as food products and supplies. Alberto's cut is sent back to Mexico every week. We have two waitress and a waiter in the restaurant, two bar waitresses in the club and three strippers, all dealers."

"And you trust them?"

"They're the only ones that have been with us since the beginning. And they get a 20% pay bump."

"And it's stuffed in the food? But Dolph—"

"Is Alberto's contact in the States."

"Why the fuck—"

"Don't ask me." she flops down on the couch next to her husband.

"Has it been going well?"

"So far so good. We sell to the rich and college kids and since it's high quality Mexican cocaine, they pay good money for it. And since Seth majored in accounting, he's doing very well laundering it."

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