
41 3 0

January (2019)

"Are you sure about this?" Zelina asks Del Rio in the car.

"We have to try."

"And if they say no?"

"We have to find someone else." They pull up to the club and ring the bell.

"Son of a bitch." Roman says, looking at the security camera. He grab his gun from his desk and goes downstairs. "You guys saw the camera too?" He says to Dean, Seth and Dom.

"Hell yeah. I'm ready to smoke these bitches on our doorstep." Dean says. Roman opens the door.

"You have 10 seconds to explain why you're here." He says.

"We need your help." Roman scoffs.

"Why don't you just ask your men?" Seth asks.

"That's the problem." Del Rio says. "We brought the only people we can trust."

"That's not a lot." Dean says. "Why should we trust you?"

"Please." Zelina says. "We have no one else to turn to." Dom stays silent and sees the sincerity in their eyes.

"How much help do you need?" She asks.

"As much as you can give." Alberto says. She pauses before sighing.

"Fine." She says. "But not here."


Everyone that knows about the drug deal stand around Braun and Dominique's living room.

"So what exactly is going on?" Roman asks.

"There was a mutiny." Del Rio says. "With my men and the Russians."

"How is that even possible?" Seth asks.

"Rusev and Lana," Zelina says. "The ones who shot you, turned against their boss Boris and got our men on their side. Boris came to us looking for an alliance."

"And you both came to us thinking that we would help?" Dean asks. "Why?"

"We figured because the Russians shot you, you'd want revenge." Dominique just looks at them.

"But..." Del Rio says. "Before we go any further, there's something you need to know." He sighs. "I sent the Russians to the club that day." Everyone starts yelling at once. "I didn't want them to shoot you!" He yells in his defense. "I brought Roman to Mexico to discuss a new deal, but when that went south... I needed a backup plan. They were just supposed to scare you, not try to kill you." Everyone's blood is boiling.

"You took the one thing that mattered to me!" Braun yells. "Something I could never get back!"

"What is he talking about?" Dominique asks. Braun sighs.

"You were pregnant." Braun says. Dominique feels her heart drop.

"I should kill you." She seethes.

"And I'd deserve it." She reaches for the gun strapped under the coffee table but she stops herself.

"There's been enough bloodshed... for now." She takes a minute to pull herself together. They don't need to see her break down. "If we team up with you to take out the Russians, what do we get out of it?" 

"We'll let you out of the deal." Alberto answers. Everyone looks at Dom and she sighs.

"What do you want to do baby girl?" Idris asks. She rises out of her seat.

"Call mom and grandpa." She says to her father. "If it's a war they want, it's a war they'll get." She leaves them and goes out to the patio. As soon as she steps out, she covers her face and begins to cry. Braun comes outside and pulls his wife into his arms, but she pulls away. "Don't touch me."

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