Killing time

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After remaining paused a few seconds longer, time resumes. Washington looks around him, confused why he hasn't been shot.

WASHINGTON: I wasn't shot. (Turns around to Zealots) HEY! HEY SHOOT ME!

Locus runs up to Washington and throws him behind cover with the past Reds and Blues from Season 15. Although gets shot by a stray bullet in the back that doesn't faze him at all.

LOCUS: GAH!! What are you doing?!

WASHINGTON: TRYING to... get... shot.

LOCUS: Please, don't.

Locus turns invisible. Grif runs into the Hanger from the other side of the room.

GRIF: What the hell just happened?

The past version of Sarge from Season 15 screams out as he is fighting.

SEASON 15 SARGE: God dang effective range!

SARGE: Is that how I sound?

SEASON 15 SARGE: Damn you projectile dysfunction!

Season 15 Thea: What does that mean?

Wash jumps up from behind cover and shoots one of the Zealots on top of the Pelican, before he runs to the other side of the room to the present Reds and Blues. Up the balcony, Locus turns visible again and incapacitates all the Zealots there by shooting them in the kneecaps with his Sniper Rifle. Sister is watching him.

SISTER: Oh my.. Everyone get out, I'm going to screw that guy!

Shawn: I wouldn't.

Washington approaches Carolina.

CAROLINA: Sit-rep.

WASHINGTON: Genkins stopped me from being hurt, now he's keeping us here somehow, I-I can't seem to jump to other points in time anymore.

CAROLINA: (sigh) Okay, where's Donut?

SISTER: Over there, look!

Sister points to the otherside of the room where Donut is. It is actually his past version from Season 15. Season 15 Donut yells out as he throws a grenade at more Zealots.

WASHINGTON: No, that's not our Donut. Listen.

SEASON 15 DONUT: I'm gonna blow you...!

SISTER: Okay, nevermind.


WASHINGTON: Where was Donut during this, when you came to the past to rescue me?

CAROLINA: He- (sigh) He left, when we did this Donut had already gone. To take on Chrovos.

WASHINGTON: And Kai was still at the temple.

Cut to Chrovos Prison with Donut where he see's the power drained Chrovos.

DONUT: Whoa. What-what happened to you? And why am I here?

CHROVOS: (strained) Genkins... both accounts.

DONUT: He betrayed you. Heh.

CHROVOS: (strained) He betrayed me first little bastard. I need your help.

DONUT: Wh-What?

CHROVOS: Stop him.

DONUT: Why, because he's gonna finish your plan?

CHROVOS: It doesn't matter who is doing it now do you want my help or not?

DONUT: How can you help me? You're a mess.

Red vs blue (Female OC) season 17Where stories live. Discover now