Chapter 24

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Kirai's POV

"Wow, they're pretty cruel to you, Kirai-sensei." My student, Yoi, muttered as she placed her tools on a bag.

We are currently in the middle of a trip. I had some deals to make with a daimyo. Not only that, but the destined location is quite far to the point we have to stop and make camp. It's a tiring one, and a very boring trip. So, in order to shut out the silence as we rest, I continued my depressing story to enlighten the mood.

"They are only cruel because they use strategies to corner people. If I wish to, I could have punched them in the face." I wagged my index finger at her, smiling for a bit. "But Hashirama was there, so I couldn't. Besides, those council members are intelligent people with mouths as their weapons. Wise old men are difficult to battle against."

Yoi hummed, agreeing. "That may be true, but still I found them annoying. Were they really trying to antagonize you despite living in their quarters when you were just young?" She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "How blind are they? They can't be too old to go blind already."

I stifle a laugh. "You can surely say they are a pain in the ass."

She snickered, "Truly. Yet Kirai-sensei, you still call them intelligent when they're clearly not what you seem to see. If they are wise old men, as you put it, then they should've seen the undying loyalty you possess towards Lord Hashirama."

I nodded at her. "Yes, you are right. However, I believe you forget that I am despised because of my unexisting blood. I do not have the blood of the Senju nor have any relation to them except just simply being befriended by a particular young lord. Keep in mind, it's war. Trust is not evident and given so easily."

Now, Yoi seemed to appear offended by this as she packed her bag almost in an aggressive way. "Yet still! You are no harm. You were raised there and were drilled into your head to be of aid to the clan! Children can be easily swayed or influenced. You were a child once, Kirai-sensei, and thus it is easy to manipulate your mind to protect the clan at all cost. So, I find that meeting pointless!"

Her rage is enough to make me laugh all of the sudden, causing her to blink and say, "I-It's not funny, sensei! All of these are facts, aren't they?" Then after a moment of thinking, she scrunched her nose, as if realizing something. "A-Although this happened a long time ago, I still find this clearly disturbing."

My laughter died down slowly, leaving only snickers as I continued to feel amusement. "Well, I must say my thanks for defending me, Yoi, even after all these times. But yes, I do understand your frustration. It is something I hate to remember."

She frowned, her eyes growing sad. "Shouldn't they recognize it already? That you are a loyal person who only wished for the best when it comes to Lord Hashirama?"

"It isn't that easy, like I said." I said, sighing sadly. "I've been hated all my life and that hatred will never wane. If changing of blood is possible, then I would've been considered as one of them. But that is merely an impossible thing. Blood can't be changed. I am no Senju."

Yoi nodded, slowly packing her bag as if in deep thought. "I do understand the reason why they've been doing this. They only accept people who are related to themselves. You are somewhat of a different origin. A person who doesn't belong there. So, it is expected for them to think that a pure Senju blood, or Lord Hashirama as we may call him, who befriended you, is not a favorable case."

I merely nodded.

She continued, "Will Lord Hashirama continue to remain blind about your situation? I mean, it is only a matter of time he'll notice all that. He's your friend, for goodness sake! It's bound to happen at this point."

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