Chapter Three

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The evening was actually quite pretty, Toby mused to himself as he gently rocked the old, rickety swing he and Tim shared as the dark haired man puffed silently on his cigarette. Brian had opted to stay inside to help Clockwork and Sally cook dinner (mostly because Sally was more inclined in the kitchen than Clockwork, which unnerved many in the household; though many agreed she still needed a supervisor that wasn't Clockwork), leaving the two to venture outside while they waited. Or rather, for Tim to smoke while Toby leaned against his frame, head resting on the other's shoulder as they watched the sky change into various shades of colors.

"I wish it could stay this warm forever," Toby spoke almost dreamily with a sigh. Tim hummed in response, free arm moving to slide around Toby's shoulders and pulling him somewhat closer.

"Too bad winter's already close," Tim spoke softly, flicking his cigarette before taking another drag. "Don't think I can handle anymore snow." Toby snorted.

"Don't worry, Timmy," Toby giggled, free hand resting on the other's thigh, "me an' Bri'll help keep you warm."
That earned a chuckle and kiss to the top of his head from Tim, which in turn earned Tim a child-like giggle. Silence quickly fell between the two, though it was certainly not uncomfortable. In fact, Tim thought he could see himself like this for years to come. Not the sunset, of course, which he had silently lost interest in long ago; but the smaller form curled up next to him of whom he watched with more content and adoration than Toby was watching the sunset, Brian on his far side if he had not decided to help with dinner (though that was better than a burnt down house and forest, he supposed) as they stayed cozy and warm together on nights like this. They'd likely be telling stories, or curled up watching whatever movie it was Toby wanted to watch that night.

Hell, even hell itself would be alright so long as Tim had the other two by his side.

"Hey, Toby, about the other night," Tim spoke slowly and broke the silence as he flicked his dying cigarette to the ground.

"Which night?" Toby inquired, though not taking his eyes off of the sunset before him.

"Ya know, about the whole marriage thing?" Tim sighed. Toby looked up to him with confusion etched onto his maskless face.

"What about it?" he asked, straightening slightly though his hand gently rested on where Tim's still lay on his far shoulder. Tim's brow furrowed as he seemed to focus on something in the distance before he looked down at Toby.

"I mean -- would you ever consider it?" Tim asked. "Getting married, I mean?"

For a moment, Tim thought he might have somehow broken the younger man; Toby staring at him in what seemed like a mixture of confusion and thought for what felt like ages. Tim was real close to simply taking it back and asking Toby to enjoy the rest of the evening until they were called back in for dinner, when Toby finally hummed and rested himself against Tim once more; instead now scooting closer so he could more easily lay his head on the other's shoulder, hand balling up the rock band shirt Tim had decided to wear that evening.

"I mean, not really, I guess," Toby shrugged, hair brushing against Tim's face and making him nuzzle into it almost instinctively. "I mean -- I guess I always thought I wouldn't find anyone who would want to marry me, much less accept my proposal, you know?"

Tim hummed as he finally stopped inhaling the scent of Toby's hair, instead resting his cheek atop the other's messy locks as he stared back at the slowly descending sun.

"So you're saying you'd rather propose to me and Brian?" Tim asked. "Cause I really don't think I'll be getting a refund on these rings anytime soon." Toby's body tensed as he removed his head from Tim's shoulders once more, now looking utterly confused.
"You -- what?"

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