Chapter Five

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( WARNING: Smut in the second half of this chapter, after the three stars. Sorry if it's shit; I'm bad at smut.)

The 'wedding' was nothing special. Brian wasn't even sure it was considered legal. But, hell, Toby wouldn't stop giggling on the way to or from, and even during, nor did Tim have anything other than a lopsided grin. Toby didn't even seem the least bit terrified, either, as they were driving along the streets of the small town they were passing through. It was quaint and picturesque; almost a little too perfect to actually be real. The summer sun was slowly starting to dip down into the late afternoon, and soon they'd be needing to find someplace to sleep.

And Toby still staring out the window, a large smile adorning his maskless face as he watched everything pass by with moderate ease he rarely showed in cars. They weren't even sure they'd ever seen him this lax in a car before. But Brian wasn't going to complain.

"Think we'll make it through Colorado by tomorrow evening?" Tim mused as they veered through the desolate country road. It was meant to be a main road of sorts, they could tell by the amount of traffic compared to back roads -- but nothing compared to a main road in a city.

"If we drive all night, sure," Brian huffed as he peered out the passenger side window, "but I'd kinda like t' sleep in a bed tonight. It is our wedding night and all."

Tim's nose scrunched up as he smiled, and there came a giggle from Toby in the back seat -- followed by a sharp gasp. Brian did a double take in back, concern instantly covering his face as looked back at the ticking killer.

"You alright?" he asked, looking for something to clue him in on what was wrong -- and spotting what appeared to be a distant ferris wheel Toby was intently staring at before finally prying his eyes off of it to look at Brian.

"N-nothing, j-just," Toby muttered, looking to his feet as he shuffled them, "looks like a carnival or something."

That seemed to gain Tim's interest as Brian gave Toby a soft smile, looking back to the distant machinery.

"I remember going to those as a kid," Brian chuckled as he moved to sit normally in the front seat -- then realizing Tim had slowed the car at the next intersection, waiting only a moment before taking a left turn towards the area where the ferris wheel sat. "Really, Tim?" Brian deadpanned, though he couldn't help the smile that played on his lips. Toby seemed to perk up instantly in the back seat, trying to crane himself over the front seats to see the now on coming entertainment.

"What?" Tim asked innocently, with a shrug. "Sounded like he really wanted t' go!" There came another giggle from the back seat as Toby shifted until he could properly lean between the front seats.

"I don't think I ever remember going to one," Toby mused as housing quickly turned into some park area; cars lined a field some distance away from a carnival with several rides looking too old to be functioning and people flocking to and fro, "as a kid, I mean."

"You're kidding?" Brian asked, brow raised. Toby shook his head.
There seemed to be a few good parking spots, at least.

"I remembered thinking they always looked fun, though," Toby mused as Tim pulled into a vacant "spot," which was no more than a decent sized spot in between two other cars in a large, grass covered lot. "Especially the ferris wheels."

"Well," Tim grunted as he put the car in park and undid his seat belt, "consider this the honeymoon then, 'cause Lord knows I can't afford Paris."

Toby whooped and struggled to get out of his seat belt and the car as Brian snorted, rolling his eyes to join the other two.

It was a small town they were in, apparent by the sheer amount of people not spotted on the road on their way through town. The clerk at the gas station had informed the trio when they stopped for snacks that most of the population was at the county fair -- and they weren't joking.

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