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I'm sitting on a chair outside of the hair and makeup trailer, jotting down ideas in my notebook for the story I've been working on while I wait.

As I write, Joe appears and sits down in the chair next to me. His arm brushes against mine and he quickly pulls it back.

"Sorry," Joe mumbles.

I look up at him and smile. He has a frown on his face.

"It's okay," I say quietly.

I keep looking at him, waiting for him to say something, but he doesn't and my stomach drops. He starts to fidget with his fingers as though he's uncomfortable, so I turn back to my notepad.

There's a heaviness in the air between us. There normally is, but this time it's different. It's not full of the electricity of a grey and cloudy day before a storm, but full of words and thoughts unsaid, weighing down the air around us and in our lungs.

"What are you writing?" Joe asks me.

I stop myself from laughing. We haven't spoken in days after our almost-kiss, and he wants to pretend everything is normal? As I try to think of what to say, a girl with short, bright red hair pops her head through the doorway of the trailer. Her name is Ayla, she's the makeup artist.

"We're ready for you two!" Ayla says brightly with a smile.

Saved by the bell, I think to myself, getting up and walking into the trailer without a word.

As I sit in my chair getting my makeup done, Ayla chats to me about what I've been up to. I politely make conversation with her as I steal glances over at Joe who is getting his hair "Steve ready". Every now and then his eyes catch mine. He was looking at me too.

Joes hair and make up is done before mine, and he rushes out of the trailer.

"You two are really quiet today," Ayla muses, leaning against the counter as the hairdresser, Susie crimps my hair.

I sigh.

"It's been a weird few days," I say, not really sure why I'm telling her.

"Did you guys fight?" She asks me.

"I don't think so... I don't know why he won't talk to me," I tell her, pouting.

Ayla pouts too.

"Well, I hope you guys sort it out soon. It doesn't feel right seeing you two like this," Ayla says sadly.

"I haven't heard him so quiet in hair and makeup since you started Charlee, even before he used to never shut up abou-," Susie says, quickly stopping as Ayla gives her a look.

"About what?" I ask, looking between them.

Susie sets down the crimper and stands back admiring her work with a smile.

"Just silly stuff," Susie says with a smile.

"You look perfect Charlee," Ayla says to me.

I peer into the mirror and nod.

"I'm ready for the 80's," I say with a laugh.

* * * *

I walk onto set and take in the scene before me. Today's scene is set in the gym of the high-school in Hawkins. The group is hiding in the high-school from an unknown threat, and Steve and Kaya won't stop bickering. Perfect timing I guess.

I look around for Shawn, when I see Joe walking over to me. Immediately my breath gets shallower and I wish I could get a grip when he's around.

"Hey," Joe says to me, his eyes soft.

Method Acting || Joe KeeryWhere stories live. Discover now