Eyes As Red As My Pretty Chiffon Dress

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Eyes As Red As My Pretty Chiffon Dress

It was too sunny an afternoon to wield a blade, but in trembling hands, she did anyways.

Tears sped down her cheeks and snot cluttered her nostrils making it very difficult to contain her sniffles and hiccups. When a particularly loud sob escaped her lips, a hand flew to her mouth to stop the rest from flooding out.

She was in pain. She ached all over, but most especially, in her heart.

In the next minutes to come, she might feel it in her wrists as well.

After waiting a few short minutes to see if anyone had heard her cries, she let go of the breath she'd held and slumped against the bathroom wall till she sat flat on the floor, her jewels tossed to the moist corners of the cramped restroom.

The bulb overhead flickered and went off and she sighed in relief. There was the darkness, the only familiar thing in that house full of strangers. With the aid of the thin rays of light peeking out from underneath the bathroom door, her eyes adjusted and finally, she was able to see again.

There it lay, the blade.

Slowly and gently, she trailed it's sharp edge along the soft skin of her wrist and the veins that ran underneath wondering, would they even care?

If she were to draw a thin yet fatal line across her veins but, by some miracle, didn't die from the blood loss or an anxiety attack from the sight of her own blood, would they notice her for once?

Call her an attention seeker but all she ever wanted was for someone to see her sufferings and pain, and for them to hold her and tell her everything would be okay. Just once.

Finally, after a few moments of silence, she sighed and pushed herself to her feet.

They weren't worth dying for, she concluded.

That thought raced through her head over and over again as she felt in the dark for her heels and brushed the dust off her pretty red chiffon dress. She hated the dress but had worn it at her mother's request anyways. Too bad she hadn't received a single compliment.

After she'd wiped her puffy eyes and steadied her breathing, she turned the doorknob and stepped into the lobby-coming face to face with another pair of puffy red eyes.

He froze at the sight of her and her body reacted in the same way. She could tell with a single look that he'd been crying and she knew he could also tell that she'd been doing the same too.

Time dragged on for what felt like hours and they were yet to say a word.

"Brittany! Where are you? Come on, we're leaving," she heard her mom yell and it broke them out of the trance they were trapped in.

He coughed to clear his throat and she looked away. Finally, she found the will to move again and began to walk away.

"You look really good, Brittany," he said so softly she almost didn't hear him.

She turned to him in surprise. Soon, her expression melted into one of gratefulness. He understood.

"You too."

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