Stares and Arrivals

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((A/N: please this took me so long To complete 😭
Sorry for the wait! To the readers I apologize...I have readers right?! 💀))

9 hours have passed and surprisingly Sophia didn't complain again .
In fact she fell asleep, which Charles also did.

They got off the plane and waited for the luggage to arrive.

That hour was absolutely and completely silent. Neither of them talked and it strangely annoyed Charles.

'Huh never thought I'd be annoyed with her not speaking'

He thought as he looked over at her. He probably stared at her for too long because she looked over at him.

"What are you looking at?"


He didn't mean to say that out loud and he turned red as ever.


"No,,,no that's not what I meant. I meant um~"

"There aren't many words that you can use to save yourself from admitting that you were staring at me. It's fine Charles, everyone does it. It can't be helped if you fall madly in love with me."

"I-uh no."

He didn't know what to say, he couldn't give a quick retort to her comment.
All he did was sit there awkwardly until he saw their bags come out of the luggage shaft.

"The bags are here!"

He jumped up and ran to pick them up. He went to grab her bag but he saw a hand grab it instead.

"I'm more than capable of carrying this myself."

"I was just trying to~"

"Yeah yeah..."

She mumbled as she grabbed the bag and headed towards the exit.

"Wait for me!"

By the time they both get out of the airport. To Charles' surprise there was already a taxi there.

"How did you get a taxi this quickly?"

"There was just one here, lucky I suppose."

"I suppose, let's go~"

He put his bag in the trunk and went in the backseat. They began to drive and he looked out the window admiring every building and view.

Gosh this place is beautiful. I have to write a poem about it later.
He thought as they passed some older buildings.

Soon they arrived at probably the most run down motel Charles have ever seen.

It was a lovely old building but definitely not modern looking at all.

"Are we staying here?"

He asked as he walked beside Sophia.

"Gosh first no first class and now this."

She glared over at Charles and he rolled his eyes.

"Oh gosh, give me a break! YOU chose everything so far, I was just dragged along."

And with that he grabbed his bag and headed in. The first thing that caught his eye was the wallpaper.

"It feels like I've stepped into the 80s, oh my~"

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