Chapter 9

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                                  3 hours later

Everyone was on their way to the town hall for the election. Olivia was running late because she had something important to do, so she wouldn't make it on time. Megan was on her way there with her son Oliver and her nephew Sebastian, she was finally bringing her family to her job. She was really debating if she wanted to bring them or not but today was a good day. She was also bringing tony since they have been getting closer, Oliver and Sebastian are like best friends with tony. They hand out all the time, since tony be having the extra time on his hands.

"What's wrong mom?" Olivier asked Megan she looked back in the seat, giving him a look. A look that was telling him and Sebastian that she was nervous.

"Just a tab bit nervous." She said calmly turning back around, Oliver grabbed her hand holing it tight.

"Your gonna kill it mom, trust me. That's how everyone feel before they go on the stage in front of crowd. Your gonna kill it up there watch and you got me, Sebastian and tony to be your cheerleaders." He smiled at her, she held his hand tightly smiling a lil bit.

"Thanks really needed that, by the way we can go out to eat afterwards because the president will be doing a celebration and I will not attend just so I can-"

"Your going auntie, and I looked at the email on your computer it says bring your family. So looks like we all going to go the celebration party." He clapped his hands She laughed and continued to look out the window.


"I am proud to say that I'm honored to be elected as president even though I resigned myself for a whole, I'm glad that I got an second to the election. I probably would've never won this election if it wasn't for my  team. My team has worked their butts off for me to win this, I actually have an young woman who's only 28. Run a one hell of a campaign all by herself, her ideas and bright choices is what got me here today. This woman has really knocked me on my toes, always reminded of why I wanted to be president again. To help this world be free and that's what I'm going to do, and I would like to honor her by bringing her on the stage. Ladies and gentlemen please give the most intelligent woman a round of applause. Give up for Megan Fox!" Everyone started clapping for her, she stood walking over to the stage giving him a side hug.

"Uhh thank you. I don't really know what to say I never done this before so bare with me, I'm kinda of nervous to be even up here, shaking mainly but that's besides the point. Thank you for citizens for voting for Mr. President, he's a good a man and honor his word. I met him just a few weeks ago actually, he was pretty tough of me cause he knew what I could do. He's going to run this world with gratitude, pure honesty, and have his heart and soul in it. He will make sure that everyone gets their fairness, everyone needs to be heard that is his job to do. And it's my job to make sure he is on his toes, but thanks for listening really appreciate you all." She said everyone clapped as she left off the stage going back to her circle. They listened and listened until he was done with his speech, everyone clapped and congratulated him. He got off the stage walking over to his wife mellie giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.


"So is this similar to how he campaign went, cause if it did Ik glad I voted." Sebastian and Oliver laughed together Megan nodded her head. Since Oliver convinced her to come to the celebration that's what she did. She brought her family to her job, something that she was hoping to do anyway.

"Something like that just a little bit bette I didn't organize this party at all I actually-"

"Glad to see you Ms.Fox." Fitz came up to her smiling.

"Megan." She coughed smiling, he smiled back nodding his head.

"Megan, it's nice to you. So I'm guessing these are your boys?" He pointed to Oliver and Sebastian she nodded smiling.

"Yes this my son Oliver and my nephew Sebastian. Oliver, Sebastian meet the president Fitzgerald." She introduced him.

"Umm please call me fitz, I can see the resemblance in the three of you actually, guess family genes are strong huh." Fitz chuckled.

"Nice to meet you fitz great speak, I voted for you-"

"We voted." Sebastian cut Oliver and they all started laughing.

"Well I'm thankful for you vote, I really thank your mom and your aunt. She impressed me with the campaign she ran a few weeks back ago, she's....creative." Fitz looked over at Megan who was just listening to the conversation he took his attention back to Sebastian and Oliver. Trying to not make it obvious that he's literally checking her out in front of her son and nephew.

"Umm that she is every birthday party, sleepover, game night with the guys, every campaign she ran for me when I ran for Student president was a sight to see. She's the best mom ever like I wouldn't trade her in the world."

"Best aunt ever, she's hardworking and very dedicated to the people she loves, she's the best."

"Oh you two stop, trynna make it like I'm the best person in the world, I mean maybe." She sounded flatter batting her eyes they all smiled just chuckling just a bit.

"Well I'm very honored to have her on my team, but can I steal her for just a second."

"Umm yes were finna go check out whatever happening over there." Oliver said him and Sebastian walked over leaving Megan and fitz with privacy.

"Glad you came, last time I checked you said that you wasn't going to come, but look at you now."

"Ahh yes my son gave me a speech of why I should, so thank him." She smiled moving her hair out the way.

"Thank you. Thank you for helping me win the election, and for believing me. I know I haven't been the best boss to your, I was so worried about other things. I didn't even notice how hard you were working, to help me get where I am." He thanked her.

"Oh no problem, I had a boss like you back in the stripper biss back then I was 17 and a stripper. He wanted me to show more I wanted to less so he was harsh on me. Until he realized that a pretty face was bringing in the money, not the body." She explained he grabbed two drinks from the tray giving one to her.

"Cheers to succeeding."

"To succeeding." She tapped his glass drinking some of the whine which was mixed wit a tab bit of tequila.

"I would like to talk to you in my office after the party." He said looking at her, she shook her head no putting the glass down.

"I have to take my boys home, it's a Saturday but don't want them hear all late." She made an excuse,they were going with tony after they had dropped her off home.

"I knew you were going to say something like that so I had a conversation with a close friend of yours, Tony will be taking them home." He smiled finishing his drink and she just looked around putting her hand on her hip picking up her drink, finishing it off.

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