Chapter 18.

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It was dawn. There was silence and a cold breeze all around. Richard's words created an atmosphere of doubt and confusion. Celine didn't want to question his words. Although she was confused she just didn't feel right.

'Last time, when you kind of paused the time....' Richard said to change the subject.

'Hmm...' Celine responded.

'When you paused the time what did you exactly try to imagine?' he asked.

'Well, as far as I can remember I tried to imagine when everything is like paused... I mean like every force.' she replied. Richard nodded.

'When you need to like have a control over time, you have to have control over people's subconsciousness.'

'Subconsciousness? '

'Look, when you last time paused, nothing was moving, not even a single leaf. That will be of no use for what you want to do. To have control over people's time, you have to control their conscious minds. Like if you like pause my consciousness, my time will pause, only my time. If you control my subconscious to a time in past, I will reach a time in past. If you imagine me in a different place, I will reach that place.'

His words opened Celine's box of ideas to control time, but she was still confused.

'I am understanding what you are saying.' she said and nodded. 'So you mean to say that if I somehow control someone's subconsciousness and imagine it at a time in past, that person will reach that time?' she asked.

'Right. That is how power works. That's how you actually reached their court.' he said.

'How that? I mean, I decided to go there on my own but somehow ended up reaching a different time, somehow according to them.' Celine replied.

'Well, that must be because they might be knowing that at some time you'll try to interact with them, the time you desired to interact, they managed to bring you to a time of past. So you decided on your own and you might have interacted with them at that present time, but they desired to meet you before, so they controlled your the future you, who desired to interact and managed to call you to time of past. Similar was the case of Maria, after you refused to settle there, they attacked, when you weren't hurt, they might have seen you as a threat to their exposure, so they sent Maria to your past, and your memory changed. It possibly wasn't an accident you met Maria, she was a monster. They sent Maria to your past after your father was dead, they changed your past. You can also send some to my past, then maybe I'll meet someone in a past, and that memory will be created. ' he explained.

'Won't they know, that they somehow reached a different time, like whom we will control?'

'They will know, that's why we are not allowed to use power on humans.'

'I get it now.' she said and nodded. There was silence for a moment.

'What are you thinking?' he asked looking at her immersed in her thoughts.

'Umm... well, if you can control time and place then can we also like control a kind of decision in people's minds and they possible do that somehow?' she asked quite curiously.

'Whose decision do want to control? What are you thinking?' he asked and leaned a bit nearer and looked straight into her green eyes. She leaned back, and he smiled.

'Tell me. Is it possible?' He leaned back and looked at the sky turning black slowly. 'I did that when I wanted to convince my father to let me leave the detective profession and let me become a lawyer. So I guess it is.'

'You were a DETECTIVE?' she asked confused.

'No.' he hesitated. 'My father wanted me to be a detective.' he replied. 'Look, if you want to control like judge's decision, that probably won't work because there's this entire city waiting for evidence and we cannot probably control that many minds...'

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