Chapter Two

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~ The day Izuku went missing ~

"All Might!" Izuku screamed, failing to lift the piece of cement that had fallen over his legs, "Help!" The only thing he could do was watch; He was helpless.

All Mights bloody body fell to the floor with a final grunt. They had done it. The League of Villains had killed the World's Idol.

Tears streamed down his face as he watched the scene play out. To his left was a blonde with a shocked expression on his face. When he noticed Izuku trapped under the rock, however, he scoffed.

"You're pathetic," Katsuki snarled. "You couldn't even save the man who gave you your quirk." With this, he turned away and walked off, leaving Izuku to struggle. His face shriveled into anger as he noticed a blue haired villain walking towards him.

"They don't want you anymore, kid," He said mockingly, "But we'd be happy to have you on our team." His crusty lips twirled into a smile as Izuku shrieked. It felt like his legs were being ripped off as the piece of cement was being pulled from him.

The Nomu moving the stone was one of great size. It's body was ripped and scarred in every place you looked. It's beak was large and it's beady eyes seemed to pierce through your body. It was scary to think about working with these beasts.

"With us you'll find your true power," Shigaraki cheered. "All you have to do is show us trust." Izuku had to process this for a few seconds, and his silence seemed to anger the villain.

"Well, say something," Shigaraki pestered, "Either you join us or we kill you."

Izuku wished he could just disappear from this situation. There wasn't a good option here, but he knew what he had to choose; there wasn't any fight left in in. After a few seconds of considering it, he spoke up. "I'll join you."

Before he knew what was happening, a black cloud consumed him. Within seconds he was at a completely different scene. The floor in the building was littered with dust and pieces of trash. "I'll show you your room." A tall dark haired figure said from behind Izuku.

Dabi began down the hallway on their right and opened the door to a room with only a bed and desk. "It's not much, but it will work until we can get you settled in," The older male said. "Oh, I also need you to strip down."

Izuku's face showed a sign of disgust. "Your clothes are torn and I have to take any tracking devices from you, which includes your phone." Dabi explained.

Izuku reluctantly turned away from Dabi and began peeling the dirty clothes from his bruised body. "Jeez kid, how bad did they get you? You're covered in blood." He stated, approaching the younger male from behind.

Izuku yelped when he felt a cold hand begin to train down his back, outlining a rather painful bruise he had received. "Ill go find you some clothes while you take a shower. Just lay your dirty stuff on the bed and I'll come get it." Dabi said before exiting the room.

Something about Dabi's gentle touch made Izuku feel insecure. There was no telling how bad he had gotten injured. During the fight he had been thrown around multiple times. There wasn't anyone there to help him beside Katsuki, Mr. Aizawa, and a few other students, and even they couldn't do much.

Izuku stepped into the bathroom that was connected to the room and began to observe himself in the mirror. His face was plastered with blood and dirt and his nose seemed to be out of place. His chest had a large burn mark across it that was hot to the touch. He hadn't remember receiving this injury, but he could pinpoint where it most likely came from.

Izuku walked- or limped- to the shower and turned it on, stepping into it shorty after. When he looked down to the water running into the drain, all he could see was tainted blood. It definitely wasn't the first bad injury he received, but it was the worst.

Izuku may have spent a little too long in the shower, because when he came out he found a plate of cold food sitting on his bed. Beside it was a pile of clean clothes. He began to pick through the pile and found a thin tshirt and a pair of jogging pants. He pulled on a pair of boxers and socks, then sat down at the desk with the plate in hand.

A knock came to the door halfway through his meal. "Come in," Izuku said awkwardly. Dabi stepped into the room with a small device in his hand.

"So this thing is a tracker," He said sadly. "And I have to stick it to your arm. I am going to warn you that it might sting at first, but it will stop after about a minute." He approached Izuku with the device and the smaller male couldn't help but back up a bit.

Dabi pulled an alcohol swab from his pocket and cleaned the area where the device would be placed, then pulled the tracker out of its package. Deku observed the device and his face paled at the needle that stuck out of it. "It will be quick, don't worry."

Dabi stuck the device to Izuku's arm and pressed quickly, sending a wave of pain through the boy's body. "We have to replace that about every other week," The taller male said. "But it stops hurting as much when you get used to it."

Dabi left the room and Izuku sat back down at the desk to eat his food, but he found that he no longer had an appetite. Looking over the tracker, he noted that it was relatively large for its purpose. Izuku ignored his suspicions however and looked toward the door to the room. He couldn't hear much, but he could definitely recognize the sound of Shigaraki's voice.

Quietly, he opened the door to the room and stuck his head out. The hall seemed longer now than it had earlier when he walked down it. "As soon as it starts working, we'll get him to train. For now though, we'll just gain his trust." Shigaraki said.

What were they talking about?

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