Chapter Five

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"Katsuki," Mitsuki called from her kitchen. "It's time to wake up." Katsuki was already awake, however, and simply sent an 'okay' back in response.

To start his morning, he took a shower. His school uniform had been neatly ironed by his mother so he looked more presentable than he had in his previous years. After pulling his uniform onto his frame, Katsuki brushed his teeth and then headed downstairs with his bag. There, he would eat a plate of pancakes and eggs.

"Good luck on your first day," Mitsuki said as her son exited the house. "Don't get into any trouble." In response, Katsuki stuck up his middle finger. "Typical." His mother mumbled before going back inside.

On his way to school, Katsuki stopped by Kirishima's house and they began to walk together. "I have a feeling this year is going to be a good one," The red head said happily. "Now that we're seniors we'll be training more." The blonde nodded in agreement.

When they arrived at school, everyone was already in class. "Take a seat, boys," Nezu, the school's principal, said calmly. "We will be discussing safety measures when everyone gets here."

The two did as told and found a seat near the back close to Sero. Kaminari would be arriving any minute. "When I was trying to get into the school this morning the keypad wouldn't work for me. I ended up having to call the office to get them to fix it." Sero said, breaking the silence in the room.

"We're all getting used to these new changes to security," Nezu explained. "But it is in our best interest to protect all of you." Sero nodded in response and greeted Kaminari as he walked in.

"I have had a terrible morning," Kaminari said dramatically. "I think someone was following me on the way to school. It could just be me being paranoid though." He proceeded to take a seat in front of Katsuki and turned to face the other boys.

"Now that everyone is here, I will begin our lesson," Nezu began. "This year we are dedicating all of our expenses to creating a secure school. Every building in UA is armed with security cameras, automatic locks, and keypads to open doors." Nezu held up a small device with a green light on it.

"This is a voice recorder. We have placed them all throughout the halls and classrooms," He explained. "So you all need to be careful about what you say." With this final statement, Nezu left the room.

"I'm glad to see everyone made it through summer," Aizawa said coldly. "To begin your last year of schooling, we're having an agility course." There were a few excited whispers that could be heard throughout the room because of this.

"Everyone needs to meet me on the training field after you get your costumes on." Aizawa said tiredly before exiting the room. Immediately, students began to flood into the locker room where their costumes were held.

"What the hell," Katsuki growled. Inside of his costume case his costume, but it was shredded into pieces. "Which one of you extras tore my costume up?" Nobody answered the loud blonde, so he grew angrier.

"When I find out who did this I'm going to break your fucking neck." Katsuki said furiously. He then stormed out of the room with his torn costume in hand.

Once he was on the training field, however, a loud siren erupted from the UA building. "Code four," an unrecognized speaker called out. "We're going into lock down."

Katsuki looked around him and found that only he, Aizawa, Sero, and Mineta had made it outside; everyone else was locked in.

"Come here," Aizawa said sternly. "Code four means there is someone on campus who shouldn't be. We are locked out of the building, so we'll have to take cover and wait this out." He proceeded to lead the three boys to an area surrounded by trees.

"How could someone have gotten on campus," Mineta asked. "It's not like they had the password to the building."

"What if someone gave it out," Sero questioned. "There could be someone in UA who is working with villains."

"We don't know if a villain is even on campus," Aizawa stated. "Don't make any assumptions." Growing tired from standing, the older man took a seat on the grass and motioned for the other boys to sit down too. Katsuki wasn't having it, however, and decided to step out of their hiding spot.

"There's not anyone even ou-" Katsuki was cut off when he realized there was, in fact, someone out there with them. "Holy shit."

It wasn't a someone, it was a something... and there were a shit ton of them. Nomu lined the outskirts of the training field with their beady eyes piercing right through Katsuki. They weren't moving; they were completely still.

"So this is going to go one of two ways," A cold voice spoke through the crowd of beasts. "You can either surrender now, or I can show you how my newly acquired weapon works." Katsuki soon recognized who the voice belonged to, and he wasn't happy with his findings.

Shigaraki took a few steps back and pushed a few Nomu around, revealing a green haired male. His skin was laced with glowing blue lights and his eyes held an emotionless stance.

"Deku," Shigaraki said with a devilish grin on his face. "Will be giving you a one-way ticket to your next life. So long, 'Kaachan'."

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