It was a normal Sunday, with the sun shining and the birds chirping, and Jane and Julie were eating breakfast, and her parents were watching TV.
Suddenly, an announcement came on.
"We are so sorry for the interruption, but we have some very serious news. There has been a murder in the area, so please, stay at home, lock your doors, and whatever you do, don't go outside. "
Jane looked at her family. They all looked scared.
"Mom, are we going to be ok?" Julie asked.
"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll be fine." she replied.
Jane and Julie looked at each other.
"Do you think mom is lying to make us feel better?" Jane whispered to Julie.
"Probably, you know how she does that." Julie whispered back.
They spent the rest of their day they spent worrying and praying that the murder will be found and taken to jail.
As Jane and Julie were heading upstairs to their room, they heard their parents talking.
"We need to make sure that they don't worry" they heard their mom say.
"They're teenagers, it's ok for them to worry"
"No, it's not! If they worry too much, they could get bad grades and fail school!"
"Oh my god, Martha. All you care about is education! It's ok for kids to fail sometimes. If they don't, they won't know how to live in the real world."
They decided to go upstairs and stop eavesdropping.
Later in the day, Jane received an email.
It read:
'Hello, Jane. You're probably wondering who I am, but that isn't important. I have a gift for you but to get it, you must come and meet me at the bus stop at the end of the street. Don't tell anyone where you are going, don't show anyone this email, and don't bring anyone. You have 2 hours to meet me there. DON'T be late.'
Jane read the email over once more and told Julie about it.
"Weird. It's probably just a prank from one of the neighborhood kids. I wouldn't worry too much." Julie said after reading the email.
Suddenly a sound came from Jane's laptop. It was another email.
'I told you not to show anyone the email.'
"Julie!! The emailer is watching me! They knew I showed it to you!"
"God, you're paranoid. It's probably just a coincidence."
Jane was worried, but her sister didn't seem to care.
Suddenly, there was a loud bang.
Don't Go Outside
TerrorJane and Julie were normal twins with normal lives... until David comes around. From murders to hurricanes, their lives are turned upside down as quickly as a pancake. Their only warning: DON'T GO OUTSIDE. TW: Talks about murder and blood