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Gupta Residence:

Kushi was in her parents room and started to tell her side of thoughts regarding Arnav's proposal.

Kushi wanted to wait till Payal gets married and then her wedding should happen.

Garima agrees to kushi and ask Shashi about that people who were searching for Kushi

Shashi starts to tell the update.


Kushi bitiya I will only choose whome you like and want to spend your life with okey.

But what about the Aditya Metha Shashi ji.


I spoke to them today.They want to see us.

I have called them tomorrow evening for a tea and to discuss about the happenings.


I don't want to give them such a impression that I am interested on the bygones papa.


Don't worry bitiya we'll see how they first behave and we'll let them know about our stance okey?

Garima,kushi leaves from that place.

Shashi thoughts:

I should make sure that my daughter is not hurt by this.


Nearing fashion show, the people who are at the office are working their ass off.

Models are ready, designs are being stiched to their sizes.


Kushi dood give me the showstopper's file and pls find the attachment I have sent to you in mail on Mehta's.

The word Mehta stopped two persons steps, the first was going towards his cabin and second one was just staring at NK.

Kushi stop staring at me yaar, we have to make a presentation on the designs for Mehta company.


I will do it.


Kushi my cabin now!

When Kushi entered the cabin she saw a disturbed Arnav speaking with someone in a hussed voice.

Arnav:Kushi take a seat,I want to discuss about today's evening meeting.

Kushi:How did you know about that Arnav ji.

Shashi uncle wants me there when they come to visit.

That's good Arnav ji I will too be emotionally strong with your presence.

Gupta Residence:

Mehta's came promptly.

Their presence itself was giving a negative vibration in the house.

Aditya Metha was constantly looking at his mobile and was glaring at his family.

Their servents brought many gift item for Shashi family.

Gupta family welcomed them.

Adhvini Metha:at Shashi and Garima-
We were searching for Kushi since long,why didn't we get any information about you taking our to be daughter-in-law.

Harshad Mehta:Now that real family of Kushi has come na Adhvini we can take her with us now.Shashi thanks for taking care of her now you guys can concentrate on your daughter and Kushi won't be your headache.

Aditya Metha:mom dad I am suffocating in here I'll go to the car, you finish whatever needed to do.

Harshad Mehta:
Shashi ask Kushi to be ready to come with us.

Arnav:came inside with Kushi like a enraged lion.

What the hell is going on......

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