chapter 2: ace inquisitor

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tatsuya led me to an aircraft i noticed their were lot's of them around but i didn't see the familiar green of the trapar waves which told me i was definitely not on the same world anymore i also noticed the city was well awe inspiring

tatsuya led me to an aircraft i noticed their were lot's of them around but i didn't see the familiar green of the trapar waves which told me i was definitely not on the same world anymore i also noticed the city was well awe inspiring

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the trip was only about twenty minutes we were met however by two female guards

the trip was only about twenty minutes we were met however by two female guards

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"i've noticed alot of woman" i said

"yes our male population is much smaller then our female males are nowadays considered a very scarce resource and because of that are treated pretty much like royalty the more men the better and there are laws in place that force woman onto men i am fortunately exempt from those laws do to my work as one of our lead scientists you will be exempt as well should you choose do to coming from a different world" tatsuya said

"well thank god for that" i said the woman both saluted tatsuya

"also i am treated better then even most males also thanks to my work" tatsuya said smiling as he led the way through the palace

and to the throne room with two more guards at the door

"here we are, we need to see the queen regarding the paladin project" tatsuya said professionally

"of course lord kawashima you both may enter" the right guard said

"do i need to kneel" i asked

"nah as i said you come from outside our kingdom so you don't have to follow our rules for the most part i mean besides the obvious anyway also males never have to kneel to her" tatsuya said as we entered

"nah as i said you come from outside our kingdom so you don't have to follow our rules for the most part i mean besides the obvious anyway also males never have to kneel to her" tatsuya said as we entered

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"wow" i said

"beautiful ain't she" tatsuya said i said nothing completely in awe by her

"ah lord kawashima who may this be" the queen asked

"a byproduct of the provocation phenomenon as well as the pilot to the dantalion" tatsuya said

"i see so she got tired of us forcing pilots on her well this is fine either way the paladin project is a success especially since it brought a male to our kingdom introductions are in order i am olivia A. gardner queen of the interstellar asterian empire" the queen said

"i-interstellar" i said in shock

"yes we are a very advanced civilization although it would be nice if we had more men and not so many of the ones we did have weren't male chauvinistic pigs i swear they take the law and abuse it for their own selfish intents the law is there so our people don't die out not for your pleasure........................" the queen continued to rant for several minutes which was surprising to me since she gave off a very professional aura to her

"your majesty" tatsuya said sharply

"i was ranting again" she asked he nodded

"i do apologize most of the time i am particularly calm however that topic sets me off as you can tell" she said before sighing

"what do you recommend we do with the boy he looks to be no more then fourteen" the queen said 

"i'm fifteen ma'am" i said

"i am sorry fifteen which actually means your an adult by our laws" the queen said thoughtfully

"i would prefer him sent to the academy we already have units designed based off the dantalion" tatsuya said

"what do you want boy" the queen asked

"to go home i have someone who i am sure will wait for me" i said

"ah your in love" the queen said

"we'll see how long that lasts" tatsuya said

"very well i will name you the ace inquisitor of the asterian empire gather your forces and when your ready you may leave" 

"but i'd recommend enjoying our academy while we build your ships" the queen said

"yes your majesty" i said not really sure if refusing is a good idea

"come on before you actually head to the academy there are things i need to teach you" tatsuya said and i followed him out of the throne room

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