chapter 11: the talk (part 2)

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"did it work" talho said

"yeah those bastards were greedy but they also didn't want to die the world i picked was random i only cared about it having a high population they knew it i wasn't looking for a high value target yet so for fear of their lives they pulled their forces out of our borders giving up the worlds they had enslaved and returning all of the civilians that they hadn't killed or sold to other nations" i said

"how may are there" holland asked curiously

"no idea many i had met several alien species i worked with one alien bounty hunter quite a bit she was rather skilled but she was a bit cocky cause of it" i said

"oh where would you mark her skill level" holland asked subtly changing the subject something not unnoticed by renton who was grateful

"hm, i'd say eureka's level about but she wouldn't shut up about because she got overconfident she grew sloppy and nearly died i had to swoop in and save her, her life is still mine" i said smirking

"that's why you focus when in battle" talho said

"indeed so enough about me i can go on for hours what has happened with y'all while i was gone" i asked

"well that battle we were in was pretty much staged" holland said

"eh" i said

"the captain of the ship named jurgans is planning to defect and has been sending us info on theEND which is the nirvash lookalike as well as what my brother has planned up to this point but he apparently has gotten rather paranoid since the nirvash hasn't launched until you came back so his plans have been put on hold now that it's back and with a strange i have a feeling he will want to gain information on it so what does that sword do" holland asked

"sword" eureka asked

"i'll show you later anyway the blade has the ability to essentially defend against pretty much anything as i showed when i blocked theEND's cannon" i said

"well that will come in handy can you summon it whenever" he asked

"i'll need a bit of practice to get a better feel of nirvash but most likely yeah" i said

"noted" holland said

"this means i am keeping you away from that death trap" talho said glaring at holland

"yes talho now that renton is back i have no reason to go out he, eureka, and nirvash can take my place"  holland said

"your not leaving again are you" talho asked

"i didn't want to leave the first time but no if i leave i am bringing all of you with me" i said

"good" holland said

"anyone hungry" hilda said sticking her head in the room

"i could eat" i said

"as could i" eureka said sounding rather stoic just as her stomach decided to rumble and she blushed in embarrassment

"welcome back renton" hilda said

"good to be back" i responded

"you staying this time" hilda said

"i didn't want to leave in the first place" i said annoyed i was having to repeat myself

"ah don't worry my boy we want badger you about it for too long" ken-goh said as he entered the room with the rest of the crew all carrying food

"though i am starting to wonder if i should have come back" i grumbled causing everyone besides eureka to laugh she however leaned in and kissed him on the cheek

"you missed them" she said

"i did though i am wondering how or why" i said begrudgingly as i added in a little rebuttal

"you've changed quite a bit kid" mattheiu said

"call me a kid again i put a bullet in your head i deal with ken-goh saying it cause he is literally an old man you on the other hand

"hey i'm only in my forties" ken-goh said and i gave him a look that caused him to hold up his hands in surrender

"you wouldn't dare" mattheiu said i drew lost destiny from it's holster under my coat

"i was ready to shoot holland and you don't think i wouldn't shoot you" i asked as he was staring down a gun barrel

"your bluffing" he said though he was starting to sweat bullets a put a bullet millimetres from his head he yipped in fear

"still think i'm bluffing" i asked he shook his head quickly

"i didn't think so jackass" i said

"hey you know me i was just messing with ya" matteiu said and instantly renton smiled as he holstered his gun

"so was i" i said in that moment matteiu did a classic anime fall

"holland did i mention my own people called me the joker of vanguard i was rather evil as i was brutal in pranks" i said causing matteiu to pale

"now renton let's talk about this" mattheiu said seeing rentons face who was devoid of mercy as there was a mischievous glint in his eye he decided to ask another probably the only one on board renton would actually listen

"hey eureka please don't let him hurt me" mattheiu said so pathetically causing eureka to giggle while holland and renton exploded in laughter

"you look quite pathetic right now mattheiu" hilda said who was also giggling at how pathetic he was acting

"i think renton has become more horrifying then even holland simply because he may accidentally kill you" ken-goh commented

"i'd like to have a check-up on you eureka" mischa commented eureka nodded

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2021 ⏰

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