Episode 4: Mouth Candy

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*Light maturity warning*

~In the Man Cave~

Ray had come up with another one of his crazy ideas: a Captain Man and Kid Danger podcast. Yep, a whole hour of him and Henry rambling on about the daring deeds they got up to as Swellview's greatest crimefighters. Of course, they were one fighter down, but (y/n) had been in a mood all week, ever since Ray had decided to take a dive out of the car after the Gizmo Show.

She'd forgiven him mostly, but she was still a little sour over the fact that he'd nearly killed three innocent teenagers and Schwoz, so she'd been withholding giving him what he wanted. And boy, it showed.

"Chest. Chest one, po-po-potato pants. Pretty Polly wore purple potato pants to her party in Pittsburgh. How's that sound, Henry?" He asked the boy as he tested the mic. Everything was set up, the table, the microphones, the recording software, all they had to do was get started, but that was easier said than done when Ray was so wound up.

"Painful, please p-stop."The boy answered, not knowing why his boss had been so tetchy in the last couple of days. He had a feeling it was something to do with (y/n), who was sitting at the couch observing them and every so often, would smirk at Ray as he gave her a pouty face. Okay, maybe he didn't want to know.

"Okay, let's start the podcast." The large man told him and Henry quickly agreed. This was gonna go down so well with their fans.

"In five, four, three, two...Hello! And welcome to...Deep in the Man Cave!" Henry and Ray introduced enthusiastically, making (y/n) giggle at them. Why they wanted to do a podcast was beyond her, but it was entertaining to watch, particularly when Ray's shirt was tight in all the right places. Yes, she was desperate too, but she couldn't help but tease him, it just made the chase more fun. That, and payback's a bitch.

"Yessiree, this is the very first podcast, starring your very own Captain Man and..." Ray looked at Henry expectantly, leaving it up to the boy to say his name.

"Kid D--Hold up, I got a text, sorry." An incoming message on Henry's phone interrupted the boy and he paused the podcast to answer it, which didn't go down very well with his boss since they were recording.

"Dang it!" Ray shouted and ripped his headphones off of his head so he could throw them to the floor. He really didn't want anything going wrong, he felt like he was gonna explode if he didn't get his girl to his bedroom right now.

"Raymond!" She yelled at him as he walked away from the table and glared at Henry. Did she have to say his name like that? It was just making his lower belly burn hotter.

"This isn't live, we can start again." Henry reminded him, not seeing the big deal about mucking up the first go. Honestly, Ray was such a drama queen.

"Okay, uh, why don't we just start World War Two again? Why don't we just call up Leonardo Da Vinci and say "Hey, Leon, can you build the Eiffel Tower again?"," Ray asked his sidekick rhetorically as his girlfriend sat behind him with a confused face. 'Note to self, Ray gets weird and angry when he's horny.' She chuckled mentally.

"Well, because World War Two killed seventy-three million people and because Leonardo didn't build the Eiffel Tower." (y/n) said, giving him an alluringly sweet smile when he turned around to glance at her. God, she was killing him.

"Okay...take two." Henry moved on and Ray grumpily sat back down so they could keep going. He just had to stay calm and ignore the seductress sitting a few metres away on the right. Passing Ray another pair of headphones, Henry pressed record again, but this time, the superhero was noticeably less chipper.

"In five, four, three, two...Hello! And welcome to Deep in the Man Cave! Yessiree, this is the first podcast, starring your very own Captain Man and..." His enthusiasm was back as soon as they were recording again.

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