Episode 13: JAM Session

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What is the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about Piper Hart? That's right, her never-ending anger issues. She was infamous for her temper, even the slightest annoyance could make her fly off the handle, meaning that for many people she was often very unpleasant to be around.

Deep down, Piper was a sweet little girl, a brat that secretly had a heart of gold under all the meanness, the trouble was she rarely let anyone see that. For weeks, she and her friends had been planning a skiing trip, just the group of them; a whole week of snow, hot cocoa and fun. She had packed her bags, donned her cutest hat, scarf and gloves, the whole shebang, the only problem was her friends had grown. tired of her foul outbursts and her constant t beratement and brutal harshness, so that left without her.

Yep, all of her friends had reached a unanimous decision and had skedaddled before Piper had even had a chance to realise that she had been left out. And that broke her. She was left sobbing at the kitchen table since she knew that sometimes she could be a little prickly, but she had never meant to hurt her friends so much that they'd prefer to be without her than spend a trip with her.

Now, Henry, being the kind and sensitive big brother he was, had sat down and comforted his little sister, advising her that her violent outbursts were what was driving people away and offered to take her to a "Junior Anger Management" session, or y'know, just JAM for short. He and his parents hadn't really expected it to work, after all, Piper had been like that since she was a toddler and even the most experienced therapist surely couldn't be able to treat her. Or. could he?

The man had some kind of magic aroma gas stuff that was diffused from some sort of collar. Henry called bullshit as soon as he saw the stuff, thinking that this was some kind of marketing scheme or shit hoax, but no. One sniff of the calming gas and Piper switched from a teen in a tantrum to polite and gentle, even offering her hand for the man to shake.

Henry was stunned, bewildered, but also...happy. He'd. grown tired of his sister's temper and screaming, so he thought that if she could stick to the JAM course and its treatment, his life would be so much better, which put him in a perfectly content mood for work.

~The Man Cave~

"Well, move over Chicago, 'cause Swellview's about to become the windier city." Came the voice of Mary Gaperman on KLVY News. Some strange shit was going on around the secret headquarters; Ray was making (y/n) contort and stretch his arms in every which way, whilst Jasper and Charlotte were removing the guts from several large pumpkins. It was some fad diet that Ray had insisted on trying (it might have been something to do with Henry calling him fat last week) and so, here they were trying to help him get whipped into shape.

(y/n) was certain that he didn't need to get any fitter, he was already perfectly trim and gorgeous in her eyes, but no matter what she said or did, he just wanted to eat pumpkins, pumpkins and more pumpkins.

"Good one, Mary. Now, bring your pets inside and tie your kids to something heavy, because a big ol' tornado is on its way to Swellview and is expected to cause powerful winds of up to ninety-five miles per hour. So now, here's Mary with what she calls her torna-dos and torna-don'ts. Mary?" Trent Overrunder carried on as the teens continued to hack the obscenely large orange fruit into small chunks. that could be shoved into the fridge.

Meanwhile, Ray was enjoying his girl rotating and yanking at his arms, which looked and sounded painful to anyone else, but actually felt quite nice. Her small hands and strength pulled him one way and then the other, making him groan and lean his head into her soft tummy. She felt so tired from the vigorous actions, but seeing him so contented made it worth it.

"Do stay inside. Don't go outside." Mary advised, making her fellow reporter and the people watching frown at the obvious notion. Charlotte had heard enough and switched the ridiculous channel off, preferring silence to whatever drivel was on the air.

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