Episode 17: Live and Dangerous Part 1 (SMUT)

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*This one was a bit rushed cos i was feeling the pressure to get it out, but let the sin begin*

It was another regular evening in the Man Cave and Ray, (y/n), Henry, Schwoz and Jasper were gathered around the couch table. In the spirit of generosity, Ray, being the boss, had decided that they should all create care packages for some of Swellview's troubled teens and so, he'd assembled as many helpers as he could to cram them full of junk.

"Pocket knife." Henry started them off, dumping the knife into a box with little care or attention to how the contents were laid out. Ray said it didn't have to look good, he only needed this crap shifting so he could make way for more useless stuff.

"Succulent." Ray went next, tossing a fake, plastic plant into the box in a similar, uncaring manner. He thought his plan was genius, plus, it did give him a good excuse to cuddle up to his girl on the couch. His arm was curled around her shoulders and she instinctively snuggled into his side, occasionally pressing kisses to his neck whenever she felt like it.

"Bag of noodles." (y/n) stated, throwing in her item before returning to peck her boyfriend's neck. It was part of the little system they had going on; every time she deposited her item, she'd give him a kiss because she loved it when he squirmed in place and looked down at her with warning eyes.

"Binky." Then, it was Schwoz. Why they were putting these random objects in was anyone's guess, but charity is charity and that way, no one can complain.

"Protractor." Henry went again, throwing in a second item as they entered the second round. Maybe the teens could math away their problems.

"Mothballs." Well, no one wants holey clothes, especially teenagers.

"Lighter fluid." (y/n) swallowed nervously, contemplating whether it was a good idea to fill the boxes with a highly flammable liquid. Oh well, Ray was in charge and she was too comfy to complain, not to mention too enthralled in making him frustrated.

"Bottle opener." Jasper continued, smiling like he was so proud of himself.

"Chinese crayons." Schwoz finished, adding the last of the items into the box. That was the first one done, only like a million more to go, but from the way the boys cheered, you'd think they'd completed the lot. Onto the next one, but this time since they'd gotten the hang of it, the group went faster.

"Pocket-knife...succulent...bag of noodles...binky...protractor...mothballs...lighter fluid...bottle opener...Chinese crayons." Another package was accomplished and (y/n) kissed directly under Ray's ear as he and the others celebrated, giggling when she heard his voice raise in pitch ever-so-slightly. Just as his hand dropped down to rest tightly on her inner thigh, the elevator door slid open, revealing Charlotte, who everyone thought had gone home.

"Hey, guys!" She smiled at them all, making them greet her in return, but then Henry remembered that earlier on, she'd mentioned that she wouldn't be available for the momentous care package wrapping and so, her presence confuddled him.

"Wait, I thought you were having dinner with your parents tonight." He commented, watching as she briskly walked over to the supercomputer, throwing him a glance over her shoulder as she did.

"I did. I just came back 'cause I forgot my sweater." She replied, picking the garment up from the back of the computer's chair as everyone nodded at her reasoning.

"Oh, Charlotte, sweetie, you didn't have to come back. You could've called and we'd have dropped it off for you." (y/n) smiled at her sweetly. It didn't seem right that the young girl had walked back to work at night to pick up one sweater, especially when her friend had a very kind boyfriend who probably would've agreed to drive it to her house.

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