Chapter 4. The calm before the storm.

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- I love you.- Loki whispered, catching his breath.
- I love you too, honey.- Fandral said, kissing him gently on the lips.- Love you more than anything!
- We could... Run away, you know?- Loki said, his voice soft as silk.- Somewhere far away. Only you, me... and Navi.- he whispered, a smile on his lips.
- Yeah. One day... who is Navi?- Fandral frowned.
- Well...- Loki giggled.- You know, ugh... Jotuns... We're gonna become parents.- he chuckled.- Why don't we name our son Navi? I mean if it is a son.
- Oh, why not?- Fandral whispered.- Sounds cool.
- Tessa? Or, Tess? If it's a daughter.- Loki smiled.
- Tess.- Fandral murmured, half-asleep.- Tess is a fine name.- he clutched Loki to himself.- G'night!
- It's midday actually.- Loki laughed, as he buried his fingers in Fandral's soft hair.- Sleep well, hon.
"We're gonna become parents". Loki's voice rang in Fandral's head. Would be nice... A son. Or two. Or a daughter? Two sons and a daughter... It'd be wonderful: a quiet, peaceful life. "We're gonna be parents" yeah. Maybe later. Not now though. Not now. There could never be a happily ever after, as long as they're in Thor's reach. In fact there could never be a happily ever after, as long is Thor was alive. "I'll get you out of here, bunny"- he thought bitterly. "Just give me some time... and we will be happy!". Loki swallowed hard; Did Fandral not...
- Don't you want children, sweetheart?- he asked.
- Reading my mind again, huh?- Fandral smiled.- I do want children. Of course I do.- he whispered, clutching Loki closer to himself.- But, honey! Not now...- Fandral could hear Loki's heart breaking.- It sounds wrong but... We have to get rid of Thor.
- You mean, kill him?- Loki asked, terrified.- He's my...- he trailed off.- We could just run away, uh?
- He'll find us! What's the point?- Fandral sighed.
- Maybe... if it wasn't for Thor... would you like to have... children?- Loki asked. Fandral kissed him.
- Of course. Of course I would, Lo.- he whispered.
Loki took a deep, shuddering breath. Fandral was right: Thor would never let them live happily ever after. But killing him? Would it be necessary? No. And why did Loki even care; he should hate Thor.
Right? Yeah... Then, again, Thor was his brother!
- Hey? Kitty-kitty-kitty?- Fandral said, scratching Loki behind the ear.- Is my dear baby boy up yet?
- Mhm...- Loki muttered.- Starving.- he breathed.
- You... Starving.- Fandral repeated. He had been begging Loki to eat something for several weeks.- Oh Loki, my sweet little sunshine!- he whispered, glad that for once he wouldn't have to beg Loki to eat.- You can eat all the food in this damn palace!
Fandral sighed, looking worriedly at the trickster. 
- Thought you were starving, sweetness?- he said. 
- Yes.- Loki breathed. Fandral squeezed his hand.
- What's bothering you, honey?- he asked quietly.
- If I, ahem... If I got pregnant...- Loki trailed off.- Genetically... Would it be possible that the child...
Fandral... I am scarred that ...- he closed his eyes. 
- That the children would take after Thor? Right? Oh fuck! Shoulda seen that one coming!- Fandral sighed.- You'd have found out sooner or later and I'd rather be the one to tell you the truth.- he said in a hushed voice.- Please, follow me, sweetheart.

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