When I first started my first 2 years I have so many stories I could write a book about it. I will give a few examples if you want more comment below.
I dubbed this 3 for the price of one. It was in the middle of winter and I was incharge of keeping the waiting room and bathrooms neat and orderly. One major rule is if someone is sleeping on the floor whe have to call the cops that work with us and not attempt to wake the person since people can be unpredictable on waking. That day I came back from lunch break and a gentleman was asleep next to the woman's bathroom. Since he is asleep I begin calling the cops and as I am doing this a man wearing a jacket that is from our company comes up and says you don't have to call and attempts to wake unsuccessfully the person. I responded right away its apart of our procedure and still call it in. The jacket guy than goes to talk to the waiting room attendant.
As I am waiting for the cops to show up the attendant flags me for a clean up in the waiting room. The attendants main job is to keep the homeless from hogging seats that paying customers in the winter they lax it on off peak times but it was still peak time. The attendant asks for a sweep where the customers sit and I noticed where he is asking to sweep a homeless man was sitting there with permission I swept around this person not getting to close for safety reasons. When I was done there was still some garbage under the homeless man but like i said safety concerns I would get after he leaves. I let the attendant know and the jacket guy was talking about something with the job a wierd way to which I asked what department is he in. Jacket guy mumbled his answer and walked out.After he left the cops showed up. I noticed one of the regular officers i see wasn't there and brushed it off. The cops go to wake the sleeping man. They finally wake him while I was getting ready for my next tasks and I see the officer I was wondering about standing with jacket guy. Turns out jacket guy is a homeless man who stole the jacket from an employee they confiscated the jacket for security reasons( it has logos and would be a huge breach if this person got into a restricted areas). Than the cops noticed the other homeless person and had him leave the waiting area for the time being. So one call for sleeping person equals 3 situations.
Another story i have about my job i have currently i was a cleaner and had the job cleaning the main floor open to public. At 9pm the public bathrooms close since limited staff after midnight. One of my jobs is to clean and close the bathrooms. Our procedure on cleaning changed from a regular clean at night to a deep spraydown clean where we soap down everything and spray and use a scrubber machine on floors. Before and after the deep clean methods we always got people who push their way into the bathroom during cleaning. Because of sinage and our warnings about bathrooms being closed we were covered incase people get hurt. We are supposed to have our cops around to help in these cases but the cops can't always be around due to them being on call all the time.That day I just finished spraying and putting the toilet paper back and was about to move to the scrubber when I see this woman fling the barrier to the side. I was in the doorway since I was coming out when I went through the sorry bathrooms are closed speech. The woman looked at me blank faced like she didn't hear me. I repeated myself again and got the same reaction. After the third time the woman spoke ba ba ba. Once she said this I was saying in my head fuck fuck fuck. I realized she was a heavily autistic woman (I have a autistic relative and helped my high schools special ed program for the kids who are not in regular classes till they age out for other programs). In this case I would have let her in since she isn't able to comprehend that the bathroom is closed but we just switched cleaning chemicals to a new test soap and even though it was watered down it was very slippery I even slipped and slideded while walking on it. I knew it wasn't safe for her and since I could identify that she couldn't understand what was going on mainly I was afraid of her getting hurt and a small portion of worry about people outside of work mainly the woman's family blaming me if anything happened.
I remembered when handling special needs people to be firm and stand my ground. Keep in mind I am still in the doorway during the whole thing. I repeated again the speech but altered it to bathrooms are closed and the woman at this point tried to push in at this point I got in a horse stance I learned from self defense to keep me upright and held the side door frame while repeating the speech. The woman at this point was trying to pull and push me out of the way repeatedly saying ba ba ba. While this was going on another co worker who saw the beginning attempted to help not physically but trying to tell the woman don't put your hands on her (in our job assault of the staff equals a fine or 7 years in jail its a federal transportation job). In the meantime an office across from the bathroom heard the commotion opend the door saw what was happening and asked if I wanted the cops to which I responded yes. They called the cops and just before they showed up the woman's aid showed up it looks like this woman got separated from the aid. The aid scolded her to which the woman stopped and ran out the front door the aid ran to catch up to her. The cops showed up and we explained what happened they than hung around and I went back to work and got scolded later on by my boss for not saying anything right away to him (I thought someone else called him while it was going on. The whole situation was nerve wracking but one thing I know for sure is if the aid never showed up and the cops made it before the woman bolted i wouldn't have pressed charges i would have said to the cops just get her back to where she needs to be because she was on her own I don't blame her for anything I just wanted her to be safe. I work in transportation and love it.
Another funny story was I was just coming in from cleaning outside when I saw in the middle of the lobby a homeless person stripped down to his boxers and lied down to take a nap. One of my fellow co-workers had called the cops already so they arrived in at least 5 min.they woke the guy up and when they told him he had to leave he got up an left leaving his clothing behind the cops picked it up and followed him out. Still can't get the image out of my mind.
Another couple of interesting stories has is another bathroom stories. Usually with cleaning if I am in the mens room I have to make sure its empty and lock myself in since I am a woman for my safety and for the privacy of the men. If I am in the woman's it can stay open since there is rarely a privacy issue except for one thing which is what the story is about.In the woman's bathroom there is 3 stalls one is a handicapped stall that has a broken latch that anyone could walk in. A common courtesy I always did was when I was cleaning I would shout out "is anyone in the handicapped stall" at least 3 times so if anyone missed it they heard it so they could respond. It didn't always work but people heard and could jump in if someone said I never said that. Now keep in mind unless I had to do a deep cleaning due to a major mess or its 900pm its always open during cleaning.
One day it was the usual work day until the bathroom came up. I did my courtesy shout out and someone from a different stall not the handicapped got all pissed off. She said she's in the first stall going to the bathroom. I replied I am only asking about the handicapped stall not kicking people out. She still a little aggravated was upset thinking I was kicking her out of the bathroom. I responded no just was checking to see if the last stall was occupied. Than nothing from the lady.
Fast forward to the next day back in the lady's room again and was doing the same courtesy shout out and again the same lady got aggravated in a different stall but not the handicapped one over the same reason. Again I said I am just checking to see if someone is in handicapped stall dont worry not kicking people out. She still didn't understand that I wasn't trying to kick anyone out and was just sweeping and didn't want to walk in on anyone . She was saying she needed to use the bathroom and I shouldn't rush her. In the meantime some other customer who came in at the time I did the shout out said don't mind her she is just being rude. I thought it was to me so I asked who she was talking to she was talking to the lady in the stall about me.
Dumbfounded I responded to the lady who was sticking up for stall lady all I asked is anyone in the handicapped stall not about any of the other stalls or anything else. While talking to this lady stall lady said she is going to fu***up whoever is talking. At that point I did an about face and went to a secure location for a few so stall lady wouldn't beat me up over nothing I mentioned it to my boss who said if she causes more problems we can call the cops if it gets out of hand. I just don't understand how saying is anyone in the handicapped stall rude or how entitled people have the self absorbed mentally.
I can't believe that happened
Acaktrue stories that happened to me that I did post some on reddit but will add more details and stories to. Please pardon my grammar. names will be altered for safety reasons.