Questions Questions

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"I know you wanted to be tough like your sister, but that was dangerous dude." Shiromi said as she rubbed Mayako's back.

I nodded my head and teared up.

"Thank you for coming at the right time, I know I should mostly thank Akari, but I think I'll avoid them all for now"

"Even Lime? That's going to be hard considering her and Daishi are together."

"Even her if I have to. Clearly if you're involved with the delinquents it's never a good thing."

Shiromi looked down, still trying to keep her smile plastered on her face.

"I don't think her and Lime are going to last anyways."

Shiromi looked up a bit shocked.

"Why would you say that?"

"Word has already went around the school about their little mishap earlier. They've been through things but it's just bad if jealousy takes over the mind, even I know that. She would be better off leaving my sister alone. Plus, you and her are cute!"

Shiromi blushed.

"Heh, Thanks Maya but I don't think that'll happen, and that's not up to anyone else except the dude above. Plus, she loves Lime."

"Yeah, you're right but one thing Daishi doesn't like is to stay somewhere she isn't happy."

Just as Shiromi was about to say her reply, Lime and Daishi walked in.

"Sis you okay? You bought your inhaler right?"

I nodded and smiled.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't there to protect you." She looked down.

"Don't worry about it Lime, you didn't know."

"So, Miasaka really took my advice huh?" Daishi asked, smiling.

"I guess she did, I just wish she were here but I know she's in class trying to get her grades back on track."

Lime gestured to Shiromi to let those two talk and for them to talk outsidke.

Daishi and Mayako watched them walk out and continued with their conversation.

Mayako looked at Daishi watch them leave out.

"Sissy, what do you think of Shiromi?"

Daishi looked at Mayako with a confused look.

"Mayako, if you're getting at what I think you are, my eyes are set for one person."

"Daishi, I love you, but even I can see it's not working. Once you join student council it's a recipe for disaster."

Daishi sighed.

"I'm trying to hold it together, I am. I can't handle arguing with her. When I'm around Shiromi I never know what to say, I choke on my words and even last year, she always made me laugh and smile in class. I've never seen her upset not once, she's always smiling, always calm and it's like nothing bothers her what so ever...I wish I could be as care free as she is..."

"But sis you are! Well...Used to be...I don't know what happened. Ever since Lime came in, it's been either about her or delinquent work. Remember when she dumped you last year over jealousy? That's when I saw a change in you. Ayano and I also talked about how we feel like she did it 'cause you were torn up that day, and that she just felt bad and she wasn't expecting you to be that upset over her dumping you. A pity act really."

"No, I think about that day a lot too. Like would she had not tried to win me back had I not been distraught that whole day?"

"I don't want to be right but it's time for you to talk to her." Mayako took Daishi's hand.

"You're right." Daishi nodded.

Outside of the infirmary:

Shiromi stood there, hands still behind her head.

"So, what's up?"

Lime looked down. "Has she told you anything about me? I see you guys spend a lot of time together."

"Don't you think if I wanted to do something with her I would've? I'm not a sloppy person, but I will be honest with you. I don't see you two sticking it out. Not only because you have major trust issues but, because you're her first relationship. She doesn't know what to do when you two argue, she raises her voice at the slightest inconvenience, she'll storm off when she's done hearing your shit. You don't trust her when all she did was peak her interest at being apart of the student council. You're losing her doing that."

"How do you know so much about her?"

"I have my ways, but the main thing is I observe people."

"So...You stalk people to find out information on them?"

She shrugged.

"Whatever you want to call it. I call it getting information though. But anyways, the point is it's not going to work out between you two if you keep up this charade."

She then took a bite out of her candy bar.

Lime didn't know what to say.

"Well, I surely have some things to talk to her about. But I think I'll head to class right now...I'll um see you around I guess."


Lime walked away with her head down and eventually vanished around the corner of the hall.

Shiromi walked back in eating the rest of her candy bar.

"Your girl left."

"Without saying bye? Okay...Mayako, are you going to be okay or does mom have to come get you? I have to go back to class."

"It's one more class period so I'll stay in here so Hanako and I can walk home together."

Daishi smiled.

"Okay, I love you Maya."


Daishi playfully hit her arm and Shiromi watched smiling.

Shiromi walked over and handed Maya a candy bar from her blazer pocket.

"How many do you have?"

"When you skip lunch to patrol the school, enough."

Daishi's POV:

Shiromi and Daishi then walked out of the infirmary together.

"So...What did you and Lime talk about?"

Shiromi told Daishi all of the details and Daishi just shook her head.

"I don't blame her for being so protective over you ya know?"

"What do you mean?"

Shiromi was starting to blush.

"I mean, you're super pretty and funny and smart and um...I'm going to stop talking..."

I looked down smiling.

"Thank you for that Shiromi..."

I blushed.

"It's true...Hey, listen don't get me wrong I'm not a home wrecking type of person but, I wanted you to know you're special and deserve to be treated as such Daishi..."

"Thank you...I should head to class."

"Yeah yeah definitely and I have to do my last round anyways so um...See you around?"

I smiled.


I walked away, still feeling her eyes on me as I walked into my last class of the day.

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