One of the boys - Regie (part 2)

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      With the acceptance that you were not his girlfriend anymore and you just broke up with him because you didn't want a long distance relationship or didn't think that you two would last under a long distance relationship for a long time (Regie couldn't decide on which was more accurate), he decided that he didn't want to suffer anymore and wanted to get you back as his girl.
      (Though he might have to admit that he was one of the reasons that you two broke up (though he won't admit that), since when you asked him what he thought about long distance relationships and if he ever would want to be in one he said that there's no way in hell that he would want to have a long distance relationship, and he thinks that's what pretty much sealed the deal)
      So about a month after your break up he wanted to get you back so he had to talk with your brother and his manager, Tyler. And he has to admit this is scarier than being yelled at by Tyler as his manager, be he's going to get yelled at his as his (hopefully) girlfriend's brother, and that shits scary.
      Once gained enough confidence (and when they weren't busy) he asked Tyler to talk to him away from the boys, which was a big shock for everyone since they never keep secrets from each other, but to get Tyler alone he promised that he would tell them after they talked and they reluctantly agreed.
      Once he and Tyler were alone in a room he spilled everything, from him and his sister falling in love to them having to break up and him being depressed about it to him finally deciding that he couldn't take it anymore and wanted to get back with you no matter what. 
      And for once he was surprised by Tyler's actions, he didn't yell or scream or heck he didn't even seem mad, he was actually smiling. And all Tyler said was I know.
      Like what?? Regie was really surprised by Tyler's actions and Tyler continued with saying that he already knew that they we're together, since he always knew about his sisters secrets weather she realized it or not and that Regie is bad at keeping secrets since he
a. Couldn't keep his eyes away from you and showed a lot of love and passion (that and he also looked at you like he's seen you naked, which he didn't have that look before when they first met and became friends)
And b. They weren't exactly quite (which most of it Tyler didn't want to hear) nor subtle
So Tyler started to put two and two together.
      After Regie settled down he once again asked if he can flight out to y/n so he can get you back. And Tyler seeing the determination in his eyes he agreed.
      Once they finish the conversation, they met the boys out side and Regie explained everything, how his relationship with you started how much he loved you and how it abruptly ended which tore him apart, then lastly how he was going to flight to you to get you back. The guys were really shocked (well except Ryan (and don't ask me why I chose Ryan you already know why) since he already knew and had a keen sense of finding shit out), and with that he packed his bags and headed on the first flight to you.

Ok I'm going to stop it here and continue it in one of the boys part 3.

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