BF material - part 6

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      Sebastian Moy was practically a star in your eyes, always shining and always bright.
      Never not the center of attention, so over all he was perfect pretty boy, and your best friend.
      How did you and Sebastian become friends, one might ask? Well that's simple, your parents.
      Your parents are best friends so when they both got married they wanted to have children the same time as each other and they did. You and Sebastian are practically inseparable, even after his glow up, he didn't stop being friends with you. In fact he helped you get a glow up to!
      But over the past several years you started to change your meaning of the "I love you's" you say to each other. At first it was simply brother type of love but the more you grew up the more you meant it in a lovers kind of way. Though of course him being your best friend you couldn't tell him directly...but that didn't stop you from dropping hints, and you think he kinda got the memo, since on a snowy weekend he asked if you wanted to go out and buy hot chocolate (which you obviously said yes to) and then you two drove around for a bit, talking about nothing in particular.
      But soon you realize that he was driving to your spot.
      Once you got there you saw the same amazing view that you didn't get tired of. While it was just silent for a bit he slowly turned to you and started to talk.
      He said that he knew that you liked him more than a friend but a lover, and he felt the same way as you and wanted to change your relationship. But also he made you promise that even if your relationship doesn't work out that you two could still remain in each other's lives since he can't live with out you.
      And you agree since you felt the same, and now you are in a happy relationship with your best friend.

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