Chapter 4: The World

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*pop* *pop*

The two girls snapped into existence as suddenly as their world went dark. Bibi had to brush her hair out of the way. She was floating around in a dark void with no sense of up or down. With a lot of shuffling, she was able to twist around and face Tara.

The mystic maiden frantically kicked the air as she tried to stand on the non-existent ground. She laughed when she saw Bibi's bangs levitating above her head. Though their gay interaction was abruptly silenced by the bottomless void. The duo searched the darkness around them for a sign of light. After a minute of shifting in place, Bibi asked, "Where are we?"

As quickly as the question was asked it was abruptly answered. A bright green flash erupted above them. Its verde aura washed over the duo and splattered the space around them. The blinding beam forced Tara and Bibi's eyes shut. When they could finally open them, they swooned at the world they saw.

Below them was a beautiful expanse of glowing green grass with luminescent bugs jumping from blade to blade. The trees were like mighty redwoods standing stories above the ground. And the leaves were a complimentary shade of baby blue. Though the trunks weren't the usual shades of brown or burgundy. They instead shimmered a dark forest green with white sparkles falling off the digital chips.

Tara saw off in the distance the silhouette of a glorious mountain range. And just a bit to the right of their current position was a dark green pond.

Tara noticed how she couldn't feel the floor below them and signaled for Bibi to look down. They saw themselves a skyscraper's height above the ground. Bibi was in fact floating upside down with her face aimed at the mesmerizing floor. She looked to Tara who returned a parting wave as the two began their dramatic descent.

Bibi and Tara screamed at the top of their lungs as the ground rushed towards them. The two tried their best to think up a plan but their mortal terror was fogging their thoughts. Thankfully Tara remembered the pond she saw before and guided her movements towards Bibi. Through inane mumbles she pointed to the body of water.

Bibi grabbed her and shifted their weight towards the large pool of liquid. They hit the water with the grace of a pebble and a matching plop to boot. The ripples from their swan dive flowed across the silent surface.

For a moment the world went quiet. A few of the blue bugs made their way towards the pond's shoreline but quickly ran away when Bibi burst into view. She lopped Tara alongside her who quickly crawled to the glowing grass fields. Bibi also lugged her body beside her whilst gasping for air.

Bibi noticed a severe lack of weight from the surplus of water that soaked into their clothes. Tara was also perplexed though not by the lack of weight. But by a lack of water to cause such discomfort. She felt up and down her torso and was further stunned by the new fabrics she felt.

Tara wandered back to the water to inspect her duds. Shocked to see her clothing had gone through a drastic alteration. She first noticed how her pink headwrap was replaced by dark-blue drapes. She was still only showing her left eye but now her neck was fully smothered by the giant collar of a strange indigo jacket. The green gemstone that sat in her previous turban had been swapped out with a pink jewel. This one lacked an eye unlike the previous.

The giant blue jacket that had replaced her pink crop top also had removed the shawl that rested across her shoulders. Though it was still cut off at her waist to reveal her slim, ebony stomach. From the waist down she still had on baggy pants. But instead of the burnt orange leggings she wore like a gypsy, she was now wearing a set of thick, blue jeans. Equipped with gray kneepads held down by thin leather straps.

And her belt loops were interlocked with matching straps that dangled to her knees. She again found herself enamored by her jacket and the strange gray platting that lined her sleeves. She couldn't even feel the weight of the giant circlets that had found themselves attached to her wrists.

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