Nothing could get worse.

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I walked in the middle of the night after a failed mission, Kein next to me screaming curse words.

"Kein calm down it was just a failed mission." I said trying to calm him down. He raised his hand to slap me when a hand grabbed his wrist. Kein flung around trying to let his hand loose. The man didn't untighten his grip. Kein tugged out of the mans grip and grabbed my hand. I struggled to keep my balance as he stomped off angerly. ~Uh oh~ I thought in my mind. We got home and Kein threw me to ground. He towered over me with an angry expression on his face. Then the yelling started. "Just a failed mission, huh?!" With every word he got closer to me. Suddenly we were face to face. I could feel his breath against my noise. He smelled of onions and B.O. . All of a sudden he slapped me, leaving a big red mark on my cheek. I sat on my hands, holding me up, him right above me looking me in my eyes. I looked up at him and spat in his face. "Wtf was that for?!" he said going in for another slap. I stood up before he could lay a hand on me and ran to the bedroom, and locked the door. He banged on the door and yelled for me to let him in. I grabbed a backpack and packed up the essentials. I was sick and tired of his little game. It was like I was his play thing. I grabbed a few shirts, pants, socks, my toothbrush, and all the other things I needed. I slung the backpack on my shoulders and unlocked the door. Kein swung the door open. "Baby, I'm so sorry I don't know what got into me" he said with a soft smile. I shook my head and started heading to the front door when he grabbed my wrist. "Stop Kein! I'm done! You always do this! You always say sorry! Were-" tears started forming in my eyes. "Were done!" I said as a tear drop, fell down my cheek. I pulled out of his grip and ran. I ran and ran until I was in the city. I sat in an alley way. My knees up to my chest and my head laying on my arms. I was sobbing. "Nothing could get worse" I mumbled under my breath. All of a sudden I felt a familiar presence in front of me. I slowly raised my head, and saw him.

{Authors note} This is unedited sooooo yeah. 😅

Word count: 434 ^^

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