Another Argument

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Its been about a week since Dabi and me have been fake "dating". We were walking through the city when somebody started whistling and cat calling me! I didn't feel like dealing with it today so I just smiled at the dude. This made Dabi hella mad. He started cursing at the guy. When the guy finally ran away Dabi and me walked home. An awkward silence among us. He opened the door and let me inside. "Why the hell would you smile at a dude who was cat calling you?!" Dabi said almost shouting. This made me jump because I wasn't used to him yelling. "Dabi I didn-" He cut me off. "Answer me Y/n why did you smile at that dude?!" He started getting closer to me. I looked away tears forming in my eyes, flashbacks of being with Kein started to fill my mind. "Answer me!" he said now yelling getting he attention of Shigiraki and Kirogiri who were at the bar. He grabbed my wrists, he was getting madder and madder by the second and I could tell. His hands started to burn my wrists as they grew hotter. "Dabi your hurting me!" I shouted. This made Dabi snap back into reality and he let go off my wrists shocked at what he just did. Before he could apologize I ran off and got onto the roof top. I curled up an a fetial position and started silently crying. "He is just like Kein!" I whispered to myself anger growing inside of me. Suddenly I felt a pair of hands on my shoulder. I turned around to see Dabi, with a guilty look on his face. I got up quickly backing away from him. He slowly inched closer. "Get away from me Dabi!" I yelled. His eyes widened. "Y/n! Y/n your going to fa-" all of a sudden my foot slipped off the edge of the building sending me falling. I hit the ground hard causing me to get lightheaded. It wasn't that far off the ground since it was only one story (if that). Dabi came rushing down to help me. I sat up rubbing my head in pain. "Y/n I'm so sorry! Are you alright?!" I just ignored him and then I felt a wet liquid on my hand. I took my hand off my head and saw it filled with blood. I hadn't realized I had hit my head THAT hard. Dabi rushed over to me and ripped a part of his tee shirt off and wrapped in around my head to stop the bleeding. We went  inside so I could lay down for a bit. I layed in Dabi's bed with a ice pack on it. They had to keep Toga away because she wanted a taste of my blood. Dabi sat next to me. He apologized again for the a millionth time. I just ignored him as I layed down taking a little cat nap. 

~Authors Note~ Hello guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! I really hope you liked this chapter and I'm sure your going to love the next one! Anyways as always thanks for reading! ^^

Word Count: 528 <3

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