Training Part 2

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Dabi and I had finally made it up the long hill, and I was panting like crazy. "!" I said panting in between words. Dabi chuckled. "Alright let me see your quirk," he said growing serious. I focus on a nearby tree and it started lighting on fire, the smoke dark black. I focused some more and the fire went out. "Hm...decent but it could use some work." he said. I let out an over dramatic gasp and put my hand to my chest in a "hurt" way. He showed me his fire, and to which i was very shocked at how hot it was. "That's hot," I say not knowing what the words meant as they came out of my mouth. Dabi smirked. Flustered I said "Not like that!" I paused for a second. "Maybe is was like that," I mumbled under my breath. I turned my head avoiding eye contact. I looked up and Dabi was gone! Just then arms wrapped around me and Dabi was hugging me from the back! He leaned down, close to my ear and whispered "What was that little mouse." I struggled to get out of his grasp but he wouldn't budge. "LET GO OF ME YOU SELF ABSORBED NARSASIST!" I snapped. Shocked he let go of me making me stumble a few steps. He then walked away a hurt look on his face. "Train yourself then." I realized what i had did and guilt crept inside me. "Dabi I didn't mea-" before I could finsih he was already gone. Tears started to form in my eyes. I sat down and punched the ground, mumbling curse words under my breath. I layed down on the grass, and felt myself drifting off to sleep. I woke up and the sun was starting to set. I got up and rubbed my eyes, remembering the previous event. I sighed and headed back to the bar. By the time I got there it was already there. I hesitated and then went inside. Shigaraki was at the bar talking to Kurogiri. I looked around to see no Dabi. I assumed he was in his room. I knocked on his room door. He opened the door slightly and saw me. He opened it fully. "Look Dabi I am so sorry I didn't mean what I said." I apologized. He scoffed. "Your cute when your guilty." he said with a smirk. I laughed at that. Dabi leaded me to his bed. And told me to close my eyes. I did as he said. "Open." he said. I opened them and saw him holding my old stuffed animal. My eyes lit up. "How did you get it?!" I asked in shock as I hugged him and the stuffed animal. "I have my ways," he said handing me the plush.

~Authors Note~ Sorry for another short chapter but I think this is a good point to end the chapter sooooo yeah. Also sorry for the late updates heh heh. 😅Thank you for reading!

Word count: 502 ^^

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