Real Lovers?

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It had been almost an hour after I had fell off the roof and I was outside getting some fresh air. Dabi was next to me making sure I didn't fall off another roof and kept on apologizing. I finally stopped the silent treatment I gave him and spoke. "Dabi its okay, I know you are sorry and I know I'm just being petty. I'm sorry for smiling at the guy a-" he cut me off with a hug. I hugged him back nuzzling my face into his chest. "Please don't say sorry." He whispered. We stayed hugging for a few minutes before a let go. "Promise me you wont do it ever again!" I said. "Y/n I promise I will never ever do it again." He said as he looked into my eyes. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my tip-toes. "I lost the game," I whispered into his ear. "I lost the day I first saw you," he whispered back. Then Dabi pulled me closer. He leaned in and placed his soft lips on mine. He kissed me soulfully and my whole body electrified. The butterflies were going crazy in my stomach. Our lips parted and he asked me. "Y/n L/n will you give me the pleasure of being my girlfriend?" "Fake girlfriend or?" I asked back knowing what he meant but wanting to hear it one more time. "Real, I want you to be my real girlfriend." He said smiling at me. "Yes Dabi I will be your girlfriend!" I said. Then I ran inside to go tell Toga. When I told her she started squealing and jumping up and down. I joined her. Shigiraki gave us a dirty, crusty look. "You guys are acting like a bunch of middle schoolers, calm down." I stuck my tongue out at his comment and went back to squealing with Toga. Dabi walked in with a  concerned look on his face. But when he saw us he started laughing. Everything was going great. Well...besides the whole falling off of the roof thing heh heh. 😅

~Authors Note~ Sorry this was so short but yay! Finally Dabi and Y/n are dating! Ahhhhh. :D

Word Count: 367 ^^

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