The Battle Nexus Warriors

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Chapter 1
A young woman sighed in content as she sat next to a small pond meditating,  as she did she thought about her past, she had just finished her training in the art of Ninjutsu last week with a man called Oroku Saki. The woman was releived that she no longer had to call him 'Master' or 'sensei' anymore, the man was evil, but since the true master she wished to train with disappeared 3 years ago she had no other option, seeing that Oroku Saki was the only master of Ninjitsu left to train her in the ancient art at the time.

The 28 year old thought back to when she had began traveling all over the world training with masters and warriors of different fighting styles so she herself could master them all to eventually earn herself the tiltle 'The Warrior Assassin', not that she was proud of the assassinations she did in the past to give her that title. Taking out the head of rival Mafia gangs and various other members when she was still in Tokyo living with the worst Mafia gang there was after she had been taken from the streets as a child and forced to join. The very same people taught her how to fight dirty, how to shoot and how to kill without being caught or seen, she was known as the deadliest assassin in Japan by the age of 12, following orders without question, seeing as it got her food to eat and a bed to sleep in, she held no remorse when she killed.

At the age of 16 she had killed over 300 men, she only refused to kill women and children, every single man was a member of a rival gang so she didn't care who they where, but when she was order to kill a cop that was getting too close to a operation for comfort, the boss ordered the hit. Following him and seeing him interact with his family she knew that she couldn't kill him and since the punishment for refusing and disobeying a direct order from the boss himself after accepting the hit is death she knew that she couldn't stay in Tokyo, so she left. Reaching a small village rumored to be home to a great samurai master she desided then that she would never kill again making a vow to instead become one of the strongest warriors in existence and to do that she would learn every fighting style she could.

At 22 the young warrior had just finished her training with the warriors of the Maasei tribe in Africa learning to fight with spears, shields and orinka clubs. Being the only female in the tribe to participate in the traditional stick fighting that is used to test bravery and skill of a warrior by showing no pain when being hit by a opponent. She became a true warrior in the tribe's eyes, it was a true honor, she had earn the title 'Virago' meaning female warrior in their culture.

Upon proving herself a warrior she had nothing more to learn from the tribe so she prepared to say her goodbyes and continue on her way when the village chief asked if she would like to watch one of the warriors in the tribe, that had been invited to participate in a tournament held within another realm, fight before she continued her journey. Agreeing to go the chief told her that the tournament is only held once every 3 years and lasted 3 days, to be able to participate you had to be formally invited by the Daimyo of the realm. Stating that the warriors of their tribe had recived the invitation when a shuriken or kunai appeared out of no where infront of the warrior. The warrior is then given a scroll from the elders of the tribe, that has been passed down for generations from the first tournament that a warrior from their tribe had attended, explaining how to travel to the realm of the Daimyo.

The next morning the woman and a warrior named Kinji left the village through a portal to the Daimyo's realm, stepping out of the portal they were left in awe at the sight of the open field in front of them that lead to a waterfall's edge, surrounding the field was a thick jungle. As they stood blinking at the sight before them to two warriors turned to sound of water moving behind them as a masked transparent figure in a kimono appeard and sat floating in the air infront of them.

"There seems to be a extra paticipant here, hmmm..." the floating figure stated

"That is because my sister warrior is here to observe the compition while I compete"

"Very well, come this way by me Miss so you may watch the fight without the risk of injury"

As she moved to the floating man's side another portal opened and stepping into the field was a creature that she had never seen before. "What is that?" Her brother warrior's opponent was huge and looked like pig and a squid had a baby and painted it purple, it stood on two legs and had a fat gut with a curly tail sticking out of its shorts and its face was covered in tenticales on the lower half kind of like a beard where as the top half was bald and came to a point a good two foot up from its eyes. It didn't have two eyes it had four small black eyes and its weapon of choice was a kusarigama, a chain with a weight on one end and on the other a very deadly sickle, he stood turling the weighted end in the air beside him while holding the handle of the sickle loosly in his other ready to fight.

While the warrior's friend  Kinji had his shield, and spear in hand and his orinka club attached to the belt of his robes by being threaded through his belt and tied with a small bow that would come loose with one tug when need in a fight, his robes were the bright blood red known to represent the tribe, his dark face was covered in white clay used for warpaint when in battle often used for intimidation.

"That is a Carsaxiphian fighter from the palnet Carsan, now let the fight begin" 


The sound of a gong sounding off surprised her, looking over she sees that the floating referee had one materialize beside him, shrugging she turned back to the fight. The Carsaxiphian launched the weighted chain towards her brother warrior, Kinji easily blocked the attack with his shield and moved in closer seeing that his opponent used a weapon mostly for med range fighting.

Feigning a attack with his spear, Kinji quickly pulled the string holding his club in place and began to push the fighter back with merciless blows while the fighter tried to get in hits from his sickle and weighted chain only to have his opponent block or twist to avoid being hit, being a smaller target and much faster than the large fighter Kinji had the upper hand. After a hard blow to the face the large fighter swayed slightly in place before falling to his knees and falling face first into the grass infront of him.


Ringing the gong the floating referee raised a small paddle board with two small balls attached to the sides and twisted his wrist back and forth to cause it to create a soft sound, the unconscious fighter disappeared through a small portal opening below him, turnning to the warrior Kinji, he congratulated him on his victory stating that he will take them to the realm's town so that they could relax since the next fight for her brother warrior will begin the next day.

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