Sinoshi's return

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Chapter 5
It has been three years since Sinoshi first went to watch her friend Kinji participate in the 'Battle Nexus Tournament' and three years that she has been writing to her very close friend and for the past two years her love, Daimyo. Sinoshi has spent the time traveling through South America and most of North America training with any fighter she could find, but she still has not been able to find a suitable Ninjutsu master to teach her besides Oroku Saki so she hasn't been able to learn it yet since she has yet to reach New York, but it is time to fight in the tournament and see her beloved Daimyo. Finding a spot to stop and draw the symbols for the portal out of sight from people Sinoshi chanted to finish opening the portal, stepping through she felt a rush of excitement, walking out of the portal she found herself back in the realm she had been missing for the past three years. Breathing in the fresh clean air brought a sense of belonging and peace to the warrior, before too long the sound of the floating referee appearing reached her ears so she turned to greet her old friend.

"Ah Miss Sinoshi, I am happy to see that you have arrived well and unharmed from your travel. Would you like for me to transport your travel pack to the guest room you will be staying in?" Daimyo had invited her to stay as his guest in his home when ever she came to his realm.

"Sure just let me take out two things really quick." Pulling a staff that rested across the top of the pack just under the flap holding it closed out she then searched for the second item she wanted to keep with her, it was a golden samurai face mask that she had made by a blacksmith well known for his metal work, setting both items a side for safe keeping she nodded that she was finished with her pack. After her pack disappeared the sound of a portal opening caught her attention, pulling out her double bladed scimitar she watched as her opponent stepped out of the portal. Seeing two rhino looking humanoids step out she glaced at the referee.

"Murakami I see that you have brought your young son Gennosuke to watch you fight in the tournament."

"Hey 20 isn't that young, I bet you 50 units that you can't beat this puny woman in ten hits pops."

"Gen I bet I can do it in five hits, heh, women shouldn't fight they should be at home cooking a meal for their husband and making babies"

"Oh you are going to regret saying that Rino-boy, hey kid I'll take you up on your bet but I bet 100 units that your 'pops' is gonna lose."

"Oh you are so on wench get 'er pops"

"If you would please come join me Gennosuke the fight will soon begin."


At the sound of the gong the rino named Murakami drew his samurai sword and barreled towards Sinoshi ready to strike her down, Sinoshi just put away her weapon and started to dodge Murakami's attacks tanting him to get him angry.

"What's wrong Rino-boy can't get a hit in on a puny woman?" Roaring if frustration his attacks started coming faster, then he raised his sword high meaning to try to slice her in two, seeing her opportunity to get in close and then quickly hit several pressure points causing his chi to be blocked and Murakami's body suddenly went limp, unable to move anymore the match was over.


The gong sounded off signaling the end of the match.

"And the winner is Earth lander Sinoshi the Warrior Assassin" walking over to his father Gennosuke wacked him up side the head shouting.

"Why'd you lose pops? She was just a girl?" noticing that his dad still couldn't move he asked. "hey what'd you do to him he ain't moving wench?"

"Stop calling me 'Wench' and pay up then I will undo the chi block I did on Rhin-boy here." Growling in anger at Sinoshi Gennosuke reached in his pocket and paid her the 100 units he owed her, staying quiet he fumed as she walked past him to free his father quickly undoing the chi blockshe walked over to the staff and mask she had put aside before the fight. Picking hem up she turned to the father/son duo and waited for the referee to take her to Daimyo.

"That was a impressive move that I didn't see coming congratulations on advancing to the next round. Come along Gen."

"I hope to be able to fight you when I am invited to participate in the tournament"

"I look forward to it" As they bowed in respect a portal opened under the father/son duo transporting them to town, not long after a second portal opened under Sinoshi and the floating referee. Reappearing inside of the Daimyo's home Sinoshi was pulled into a tight but careful hug, seeing as she still wore her weapons, surprised at the sudden hug she stiffened and then quickly recognized the man hugging her tightly, returing his hug in force smiling she heard.

"Greetings my dearest love, I have truly missed your beautful presence, come you must tell me of your jounreys." bringing her hand to his lips Daimyo smiled and gently pulled her along to lead her to a table covered with food for them. Stopping beside the table Sinoshi stopped and pulled him to a stop next to her.

"Hold on my love I have a gift for you" she brought the hand that he wasn't holding and held out the staff and golden mask to him, taking the offered gifts Daimyo examined the gifts in awe the craftsmanship of the mask was truely wondrous, and the staff was taller than the amazing woman beside him.

"I thought that you would like them and could wear the mask during tournaments to give yourself the more immposing look you mention in one of your letters, not to mention it is said that a golden mask for a samurai means he holds the highest honor. As for the staff I figured that since you gifted me a weapon it would only be suiting to gift one in return."

"My dear this the most thoughtful and perfect gift, I have a question for you my sweet Sin, Will you marry me after the tournament is over?"

"Yes, I will but I want to become Champion, and learn ninjutsu before I marry you. Deal?"

"Very well as my love wishes"

The next morning Sinoshi was waiting in the arena for the 2nd round of the tournament to start when she noticed Daimyo on his balcony over looking the arena wearing the golden mask and carrying the staff she gave him last night, 'well it's definitely intimidating' she thought chuckling to herself. Hearing the sound of the floating referee, she now knew as Gyoji, appearing caused her to look back towards the center of the arena.

"Greetings all and welcome to another year of the 'Battle Nexus Tournament'. Tomorrow we will find out who will be this years' 'Battle Nexus Champion', but today it is the fight to see who will be the two in the final round for tomorrow so let's get started. Now when I ring the gong the arena will randomly pair you up with your opponent and when they are defeated the aena will shift you to a new opponent. Now begin!"


As soon as he rang the gong the arena started to shift and Sinoshi grabbed her double bladed scimitar and took her fighting stance, she didn't have long to wait, before her opponent was revealed

"Woah... Well hello ugly, let's dance" Sinoshi quickly rushed at her opponent who looked like a giant bald fat rat covered in spikes and blue skin  quickly putting away her weapon she jumped up to land a soild hit to his gut, launching off him like a spring board she rebounded after landing and delivered swing punches all over his body trying to find a weakness, dodging his fist she noticed two things, one: he is slow, two: he is very squishy the only place to land a good hit in is his head. Now that she had a target she once agian grabbed her scimitar and jumped high in the air bringing hef blade up in the air above her to bring it down on to her opponent's head only to have him dissappear right before her blade hit meaning she won, feeling the arena move agian she got ready for her next fight.

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