Meeting The Daimyo

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Chapter 2

When they arrived in town the two warriors quickly found a inn to stay in for the duration of the tournament choosing to leave behind his spear and shield and her travel pack, not wanting to part with her double bladed scimitar, samurai sword or any of her hidden weapons as well as his club, they left their room at the inn to explore the town of the Daimyo's world and get some lunch to tide them over until dinner.

Stopping at a shop that sold food that both warriors recognized they sat down to eat, neither spoke much due to the delicious food in front of the warriors. Soon they where back to exploring the various stalls around the town mingling with the different competitors from all different worlds, stopping at a weapons booth to examine and admire the craftsmanship the female warrior felt someone stairing at her looking around she noticed a young man dressing in red and gold colored clothes that looked expensive and very simular to the ancient Japanese kimono, he had flowing white hair that hung loose around his head reaching almost down to his thighs, what really drew her attention to him was his eyes, a startling bright blue color that locked with hers for a few moments then slowly roamed over her figure as if she was standing there naked just for him.

Blushing at how intense his stare was she looked away thinking to herself 'Geez dude, I know my boobs and hips are too big for my figure and you probably can't take me serious as a warrior because of my short hight of 5'2" but thats no reason to stare. Man I hate being short!' Her thoughts where soon interrupted by a gentle touch on her shoulder, looking back over her shoulder towards the figure that now stood behind her touching her, her eyes locked with the same intense blue eyes she had looked away from just moments ago.

"Hello, that is a magnificent katana you are holding"

"Yes it is I was admiring the craftsmanship used in creating the blade with the engraving of the dragons intertwining near the handle has not deminished the durability or sharpness of the blade along with the gold artwork etched into the handles giving it a beautiful design but not taking away any of the grip needed to control the blades in battle."

"A true work of art indeed, just like the woman admiring it, did you notice that it has a twin as well?"

"So it does, it is a shame that I dont have enough money for a magnificent work of art like these"

"Indeed it is, My name is Daimyo and what my dear intriguing warrior is yours?" As he spoke he gave the stall owner a silent gesture towards the twin katanas that they where admiring, seeing this the owner quickly sheathed the two blades and wrapped the together in a cloth and exchanged a few words with a man that stepped forward to pay him and take the katanas for Daimyo.

"My name is Sinoshi" Not noticing the exchange that happened behind her or the man standing near by holding the katanas silently watching and wating for a new order from his lord.

"Sinoshi, that is a beautiful name that does it's owner justice" taking her hand he brought it gently to his lips to place a chaste kiss on her knuckle, seeing her blush bright red he smiled "would you care to join me for dinner and a drink?"

Blushing still she replied "Sure let me just let my brother warrior know that I will meet him later tonight at the inn, I am to watch him fight tomorrow"

Turning to her fellow warrior he took the chance to look over her appearance again starting with her long red hair that came to her waist even in the high ponytail she wore it in it was the main reason he spotted her in the crowd, her eyes were a beautiful green with gold flecks he noticed while they spoke, her face had a soft gentle curve to it, her figure was what any man would want she had a very generous bosom and large ample hips with a smale waist, she was also on the shorter side coming to his shoulder but with her it worked to her advantage seeing, the sword and double bladed scimitar that had two blades attached at the ends of the handles that would seperate to become two swords, the blades face opposite directions so when thrown the weapon would slice through any object making it twice as deadly, he also saw the slight shape of knives and other assorted weapons that she had hidden under her samurai style kimono he knew she was a deadly warrior. Smiling as she turned back around from her companion and started walking the few steps back to him, he offered his arm to her to escort her to his home.

Taking his arm, curious she had to ask "So can I be bold and ask why you have taken a interest in a girl like me?"

Stopping and turning towards her he gently brushed a stray hair from her cheek back behind her ear and replied "hmmm... Maybe the reason why is because you have beautiful blood red hair and startling green eyes that shine with determination that I am curious to learn about or the fact that you hold numerous weapons beneath your clothes far more than a average warrior, not only that, your beauty is like no other and I am interested in learning all about you." Sinoshi blushed as his thumb grazed her cheek when he brushed her hair back listening in awe as he replied to her question.

"I think I would like to get to know you as well Daimyo"

"Shall we continue on our way then?" gesturing for her to start walking agian. Upon arriving to his home Sinoshi felt her jaw drop as she took in his home simular to his choice in clothing his home was about the size of a large castle but was built to resemble one from ancient Japan, glancing at Daimyo she saw a slightly nervous expression on his face 'I guess my reaction to him being rich is what he is worried about, cute' smiling to ease his fears of her either running away from him or attacking him like a gold digger she gave a slight chuckle joking "Think it's big enough?"

Visibly relaxing Daimyo smiled and laughed stating "Well being ruler of this world does have it's perks"

"... Ruler... Of this world... Daimyo... Daimyo... Y-you're THE Daimyo!?!" he began to laugh at her stunned expression.

"Yes I'm THE Daimyo, is that okay?" worried once agian as her face turned from shock to awe to confusion, "What's wrong? Sinoshi?" waving a hand in front of her face to get her attention releived when she blinked and snapped out of the trance she seemed to be in.

"WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD THE MOST POWERFUL MAN AND RULER OF THIS WORLD WANT TO GET TO KNOW ME!?!" shouting her thoughts to the startled man beside her.

Daimyo chuckled in relief and began to guide her along through the halls of his home as she recovered from her shock simply stating "I told you why earlier my dear Sinoshi, come let's drink, eat and get to know each other." guiding her into a room with a table, piled high with food and surrounded with large plillows to sit on,  after removing her larger weapons Sinoshi and Daimyo ate and drank little as they talked, too engrossed in each others stories and memories that other was sharing, as the hours went by both enjoyed the fact that they made a new friend who with time they knew could be more.

Sinoshi smiled to heself as she walked back to the inn, Daimyo had invited her to sit with him on the balcony above the arena during the tournament so they could watch the fights and talk more with each other.

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