Battle Nexus Champion

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Chapter 4
The next morning after grabing their belongings the two warriors walked to the arena to watch the final match, they where both invited the watch from the balcony with Daimyo, when they arrived Sinoshi was greeted with a kiss to her hand and a sweet greeting before they where led to their seats above the arena. As they sat down the floating referee appeared along with Sroweth and Oroku Saki in the center of the arena.

"Welcome back everyone to the 3rd and final round of 'The Battle Nexus Tournament', it is time to see who will become this years' 'Battle Nexus Champion', Oroku Saki or Sroweth, so let the final battle begin!"


The gong sounded off to singnal the start of the final match. The gaint Sroweth immediately tried to smash Oroku Saki with his huge hand only to have his opponent jump out of the way and dash under his arm to slash his thigh with his clawed fist, causing Sroweth to shout in pain and anger, Sroweth began swiping at Oroku Saki in a wild attemt to take him out. Taking Sroweth's attempt to grab him to his advantage Oroku Saki jumped onto his arm as it passed close to him and quickly ran up his arm to his shoulder, jumping up drawing his sword with the intent to bring it down on the gaint's head he was suddenly swatted like a irritating fly and sent flying towards the wall. Quickly recovering from the hit Saki angled his body to flip in the air to land on his feet and launched himself at the giant once again sword poised to strike at his side.

Sroweth put his hands together and lifted his arms above his head thinking to bring them down on Oroku Saki, quickly running up to him Oroku Saki decided to use Sroweth's weight to his advantage by jumping up his large body and using his full weight to kick him in the eye causing Sroweth to hold his eye in his hand in pain. Jummping down Oroku Saki then slashed at the gaint's huge foot causing him to lift it in the air away from the sword attacking it while tring to balance on his other foot. Saki then begain to attack the foot still on the ground causing Sroweth to lose his balance and fall backwards to the ground, taking it as the opportunity he needed to defeat him Oroku Saki jumped on his stomach and jumped to land the final blow to the giant's face, holding his sword high above his head ready to bring it down on the gaint's head.


The gong sounded off signaling the end of the fight just as Oroku Saki landed on Sroweth's face, his sword stopping inches from the giant's eye, straightening and sheathing his sword Saki jumped down to the ground and moved a short distance away to allow the gaint to stand while the floating refree appeared in the center of the arena to anounce the winner.

"And the winner of this years' Battle Nexus Tournament and your champion is Earth lander Oroku Saki. Let's hear it for our champion!"

A roar from the audience began as they celebrated and cheered from the excitement from the fight, shortly afterwards Oroku Saki was joing Daimyo and the two warriors on the balcony to receive his metal as champion from the Daimyo himself, he was informed that a statue would be made to honor his win as champion and put in the 'Pavillion of Past Champions' along with the other stautes honoring the previous champions. Inviting the champion and the two warriors to dine with him Daimyo turned to lead the small group into his home to enjoy a celebratory meal when Oroku Saki stopped him to politely decline his offer of a meal stating that he had to return home to New York so he could finish a buisness project that he was working on.

Daimyo wished Oroku Saki well and created a portal back to New york with a wave of his hand after Saki left Daimyo closed the protal and motioned the two warriors to follow leading them to the same room that he and  Sinoshi  had dined in two days prior. The three sat and ate talking about the final match when Daimyo decided to ask a question.

"So since the tournament is over now where will the two of you be heading next?"

Kinji replied first stating that he would be returning to his home in Africa saying that he had a bride waiting for his return. After hearing this both men turned to Sinoshi to hear her reply, smiling she said.

"Well after training with the great samurai master in Japan I was chased out out of the country by the mafia I traveled all across China, India, Russia, Europe, Scottland and Ireland before making my way south to Africa finding myself in Kinji's tribe. I will probably head to South America and make my way slowly north finding as many tribes and teachers as I can before the next tournament."

"To help you save on travel time I could open a portal to a village at the southern edge of the continent"

"I would greatly appreciate that, it will save me months since I was originally going to travel by ship, thank you Daimyo."

"Seeing as you both are traveling within the hour I suggest we prepare both of you for your journey."

"Thank you mighty Daimyo but I will not need any preparations seeing as the portal we took here was within my village."

"Very well, then come my dear sweet Sin we shall gather some supplies for your long journey."

One hour later the two warriors where ready to leave and after Kinji bowed in respect to the Daimyo and Sinoshi he walked to the now open portal to his home village, as the portal closed Sinoshi looked towards Daimyo seeing him offering his hand to her, after placing her hand in his he gently brought her hand to his mouth to kiss her knuckles in goodbye. Straightening to his full hight he gestured to a man standing near the entrance of the room to come forward, upon reaching them the man offered the Daimyo a long bundle of cloth holding it out in his arms as he bowed in respect, uncovering the bundle Daimyo picked up two twin katanas and offered them both to Sinoshi.

"I bought these for you the day we meet, I hope that you will except them as a gift and that they will aide you on you journey to fulfill your vow."

Taking one of the offered katanas Sinoshi drew the blade from the sheath and immediately recognized the spectacular design and craftsmanship of the blade as the very same katana she had admired the first day of the tournament. Knowing that she wouldn't refuse a gift from her dear friend she excepted the spectacular and thoughtful gift, sheathing the blade once more Sinoshi placed the twin katanas in the holster that the man that brought out the blades provided for her.

Seeing that it was modified to hold the katanas behind her left shoulder Sinoshi removed the dual bladed scimitar and its holster from her back to put on the katanas' holster firstand then overlapped it with her scimitar's holster so that it rested in the middle of her back with a blade's end sticking up over her left shoulder once agian.
When she was finished she gave Daimyo a hug to say thank you careful that her blade didn't hit him as she did so, giving her a quick and careful hug in return he opened the portal to the village in South America  so that she could continue her jouney. Picking up her pack and placing the strap over the handles of her precious katanas and settling it across her back she was ready to leave, giving a final farwell wave to her dear friend she stepped through the portal.

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