Chapter 5

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Anastasia woke up surrounded in pitch darkness. The black abyss of silence was suffocating causing Anastasia to start hyperventilating. A laughter suddenly filled the room bouncing off the concrete walls then a spot light landed on her blinding her from seeing her surroundings. She could feel the ice cold metal of handcuffs on her wrist and the painful angle of her arms behind the metal chair caused her muscles to burn. Her ankles were bound to the chair and her skin was drenched in ice water causing shivers to coarse through her.

"Такая красивая невеста. Takaya krasivaya nevesta. Such a beautiful bride," the voice echoed around her. She wanted to hurl at the mere thought.

"Я лучше умру, чем буду твоей невестой. YA luchshe umru, chem budu tvoyey nevestoy. I would rather die than be your bride," Anastasia spit onto the floor and glared into the bright light.

All of a sudden a shadow appeared before her and slapped her across the face. He growled and pulled her face up into the light even more. He bent down and force his mouth over hers. When she opened her mouth to scream he shoved his tongue into her mouth and let out a moan of pleasure. She bit his tongue and he slapped her again causing the chair to topple backwards. The back of her head bounced off the concrete causing the air to escape out of her.

"Ты будешь моей невестой, хочешь ты или нет. Твой отец продал тебя мне, ты моя собственность и так или иначе будешь моей невестой. Ty budesh' moyey nevestoy, khochesh' ty ili net. Tvoy otets prodal tebya mne, ty moya sobstvennost' i tak ili inache budesh' moyey nevestoy. You will be my bride whether you want to or not. Your father sold you to me, you are my property and will be my bride one way or another."

"Никогда! Nikogda! Never!" Anastasia growled with as much anger as she could muster at the moment. "Я умру прежде, чем ты наденешь мне кольцо на палец. YA umru prezhde, chem ty nadenesh' mne kol'tso na palets. I Will die before you put a ring on my finger."

"У тебя не будет выбора, моя прекрасная невеста. Вы родите моего ребенка, заставив вас принять брак вместо того, чтобы иметь клеймо незамужней матери. U tebya ne budet vybora, moya prekrasnaya nevesta. Vy rodite moyego rebenka, zastaviv vas prinyat' brak vmesto togo, chtoby imet' kleymo nezamuzhney materi. You won't have a choice, my beautiful bride. You will bear my child, forcing you to accept the marriage instead of having the stigma of being an unwed mother," He chuckled as he ran his finger along the top of her low cut shirt. She tried to yank away from him causing him to growl in frustration. He yanked her chair up and once she regained her balance, he came up behind her and ran his hands slowly over her shoulders and down to cup her breasts. He pressed against the back of the chair making sure she could feel how much he was enjoying this.

"Я никогда не буду рожать твоих детей. YA nikogda ne budu rozhat' tvoikh detey. I will never bear your children," Anastasia swore with every fiber in her. His laughter sent rivers of fear through her but she forced herself not to reveal her fear to him.

"О, ты будешь моя дорогая. Теперь выбор за вами или нет, но у вас будут мои дети, в этом я уверен. O, ty budesh' moya dorogaya. Teper' vybor za vami ili net, no u vas budut moi deti, v etom ya uveren. Oh you will my dear. Now whether by choice or not will be up to you, but you will have my children, of that I am positive," He said into her ear as he ran his hand down her chest again but this time it was under her shirt.

"Мой отец никогда бы этого не допустил, каким бы засранцем он ни был, он все равно этого не допустит. Moy otets nikogda by etogo ne dopustil, kakim by zasrantsem on ni byl, on vse ravno etogo ne dopustit. My father would never allow that to happen, no matter how much of an asshole he is, he still wouldn't allow that," She mumbled trying not to hurl all over herself and remain calm.

The shadow man pulled his hand away and laughed, "Ваш отец не может остановиться или сказать что-нибудь, учитывая, что он мертв. Vash otets ne mozhet ostanovit'sya ili skazat' chto-nibud', uchityvaya, chto on mertv. Your father can't stop or say anything considering he is dead."

"Ты врешь. Ty vresh'. You're lying," Anastasia shook her head refusing to believe him.

The shadow man yelled out to bring him in and soon a body fell in front of her. The man kicked him over and she gasped. Staring up at her with blank empty eyes was the body of her father. Foam spilled out of his mouth telling her that he took a cyanide capsule choosing suicide over whatever he was about to go through. She closed her eyes and turned her face away from him. She knew then that there was no hope for her to escape this prison. The man stepped over her father and grinned as he removed his mask. She gasped as she instantly recognized her captor. He ripped her shirt and she forced her mind to go into a happier safer time. The dark brown eyes of Raven popped into her mind and she focused on memories of him instead of what was about to happen to her. Pain radiated through her causing her to scream as her worst nightmare laughed in her ear and his hand wrapped around her throat.

"Kitten wake up!"

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