Chapter 15

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Raven stormed into the hospital and up to the nurse's station. "Doc now," he commanded causing her to flinch in surprise.


Raven turned around to see Luke standing in a doorway. He rushed down to Luke and walked in the room to see Sean bending over Anastasia. "She's sleeping Raven so be quiet," Sean said without turning to look at him. "The cut on her neck is minor, a few stitches but more blood than actual cut. She was drugged with some sort of tranquilizer then once all the adrenaline wore off she was exhausted. Other than that, she is fine. She just needs to sleep everything off."

"Good," Raven nodded. "Come home?"

Sean shook his head, "I don't want her home until tomorrow. I don't know what they gave her so I want to make sure she has a clear head and is able to keep food down tomorrow before I'm ready for her to come home. Once I know she is completely okay then she can come home. Besides with her being here with me, it will give you reassurance that she is safe while you and your father take care of your unwanted visitor tonight."

"Da," Raven nodded. He walked over to her and kissed her forehead. "Thanks Doc."

"She will be okay Raven," Sean nodded watching her sleep. "I'll protect her."

"Know," he nodded. "She ours."

"Have fun," Sean smirked as he kissed Raven softly. "You and your father better come see me when you are done so I can make sure you didn't hurt yourselves."

"Da," Raven nodded as he yanked on Sean's tie to pull him back and kissed him deeply before leaving with Luke and the rest of the team following.

Raven pulled up to the house and immediately walked to the back yard toward the shed. He saw his father's men standing by the door. They instantly moved when they spotted him and one held the door open. He walked in and realized he was stepping on a tarp. He smirked and walked further into the building.

There on a board was his uncle. His hands and feet were nailed into the wood and he was stripped of his clothes. His nails were ripped out and his fingertips were burnt. His father was already in the process of breaking his fingers.

"Why so obsessed with Daughter?" he asked as Raven leaned against the wall to watch.

"Beautiful," Dimitri groaned, "so beautiful. Just have her."

"She's Raven's bride," Raven's father sighed. "Been bride for years."

"Net," Dimitri groaned. "Raven like men grow up no like girls. Father sell her me. She's mine."

"Never," Raven's father shook his head. "Raven like girls boys both. Anastasia mother and wife make deal. We protect them from father Raven marry Anastasia. She Raven's bride."

"Net," Dimitri growled. "She mine. Raven like dick no like sweet pussy. She sweet yummy pussy."

Raven stormed over and stabbed him in the stomach. "You sick shit." He pulled the knife out and inserted it slowly into the gun wound. "You worse then dirt."

Dimitri groaned then started laughing as blood trickled out of his mouth. "Must kill you I got pussy first. You always live fact I touch first always."

Raven chuckled, "You touch unwilling, that no touch, that hurt. I will touch one day promise. She come me want my touch. You force take I touch by want. You never have I receive one day."

Dimitri growled and tried to lunge forward but Raven stepped back causing him to faceplant into his own blood. "Sirs," Both Raven and his father turned to see Anton, Raven's father's best man, walking toward them holding a laptop. "Find this, no like what on."

He sat it down and hit play. The sounds of what he did to her filled the room as they watched the despicable actions on the screen. Raven felt bile in his mouth as anger surged through him hearing her sobs and pleas to stop.

"Get out, give Owen," Raven growled to Anton who nodded and left the building. He picked up a pair of pliers. "You like bite, you no bite no more." He grinned as his father pinched Dimitri's nose to force him to open his mouth. Once he did Raven started yanking out his teeth. Dimitri tried to struggle but they just repeated the process until he had no more teeth.

He dropped the pliers and grabbed a rusty hand saw. He chuckled as he watched his father grab a rusty upholstery needle and some twine. Great minds think alike. Raven ever so slowly started to saw off Dimitri's penis. His screams filled the building and even leaked out. Once he was an eunuch he shoved it in his mouth then held his mouth shut while his father sewed it shut. He then took a scalpel and cut off his finger prints and toe prints. He relished in the muffled screams coming from Dimitri. He grabbed an ice pick and shoved it in one eye yanked the eye ball out then inserted it into the other and yanked it out as well. "You no look no touch never again."

"Hey Raven," North said walking into the building, "The pit is ready."

Raven nodded then grabbed Dimitri by his hair. The team watched as Raven and his father dragged him to the pit they dug. They kicked him into the pit chuckling at his moans as Raven's father poured gas over him and the wood in the pit. Raven lit a match and tossed it down into the pit. They all watched as he moaned while being burned alive.

"Once this is done," Axel mumbled, "I'll plant some endangered plants over it, I've been wanting to create another garden anyway."

"Guys watch, go clean up, see Daughter," Raven's father commanded making them nod and head inside.

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