Run?/build a friend

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Thus, continuing to what you were doing.. Y/N had an uneasy feeling about huggy wuggy but.. oh boy, to what they/she/he thought was gonna end up true.

As Y/N got the blue grabpack, they also had to find a key. Which to their surprise, they heard a key jingle and as they spun around... huggy wuggy had it.

"What the fuck.."

As Y/N retrieved the key from huggy, they went to the power room to turn on the lights and such. After they were done.. they soon found that huggy wuggy was gone.

"Yeah, *chuckles* I'm in danger." Y/N chuckled nervously as they went to put the grabpack hand on the blue hand print. As they were walking by the other door, a blue noodle hand moved and disappeared.

''I knew it, it's that "Huggy Wuggy" thing." Y/N thought to themselves, as they were going by and entering some place before going to build a friend, things were needed to be done. After getting all the stuff (I forgot what they were help.) A red grabpack came over and you instantly got it on.

As you put both grabpacks on the prints, the door to the vents opened and you went in. As you were there, toys were being dropped and stuff until you "arrived" at build a friend place with this big machine.

"Wow, that looks impressive. Even when it was made in 1960. I wonder what do I have to do.. oh I know."

As Y/N realized what they needed to do, they went up and of course, turned on the power for the build a friend machine to turn on. When going down, and turned on the machine which absolutely worked. It's time to 'make a friend.'

When gathering the body parts for making a friend, it successfully made an toy appear which resembled a cat bee. When you put your friend in the scanner....

You noticed that the hall was dark in front of you, you had a bad feeling. You went and.... Fuck.

It was huggy wuggy but he had this HUGE grin with extra set of teeth to reveal them. You ran into the vents and of course, the chase has begun.

Y/N looked behind and of course, yours truly, huggy wuggy was chasing you. As you went down and made it to the other side, huggy wuggy was banging on the door to open. As you stood there and such, you saw the crate that had colored handprints and such and pulled it down and when huggy appeared.

He fell into the next floor and he held on for his life. You looked down at him but... instead of just leaving him there to fall, you seemingly dragged him up as if you were helping him which puzzled him greatly.

As he got onto the ground.. he stared at you, still puzzled by what happened and what you did for him. Still, you were intimidated and afraid of this being but couldn't help but wonder...

'How long was he lonely for? Well, the answer is obvious but... he really didn't have anyone to be around with and I feel bad for him.' Y/N thought to themself as huggy felt something like he owed them something to repay them for saving him.

Not even a second and thought, Y/N hugged him. You heard me, Y/N calmly and expressively hugs huggy wuggy. Letting him know that they're/he's/she's here for him.

Huggy reluctantly hugged them. Despite him trying to devour you and chasing you down, you couldn't help but wonder what happened to beings like him, how much have they been hurting.

You smiled and looked at huggy, who looked back at you. You reached a hand to try and pet him but unfortunately you are shorter than him. He tilted his head and lowered his head, allowing you to pet him but still wary that you'll betray him. You pet him gently, he... purred? He seemed to be purring. Then you held him close to reassure him that it's gonna be okay.

As you both got up, he swooped you up into his arms and carried you to where the red flower was at. Like he's on your side. As you both went in and such, you both saw poppy... whose eyes were closed. As you opened the case with your blue grabpack. Lights were flickering. And she opened her eyes.

"You opened my case.."

Well well well!!!
Another chapter done! I hope you guys enjoyed this just as much I do too as well! What do you guys think poppy would do? Be on your side or...? That's for you to decide! Stay tuned lovely readers!

Word count: 799

"He's really sweet" Huggy Wuggy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now