Mommy...? / Your fuzzy protector

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Due to the events of poppy being awakened with huggy beside you, eventually leaving you blacking out as that occurred due to some unknown force. Regardless and surprisingly, huggy wuggy was the one who brought you to safety and to another one.

Y/N has awakened and seemed to be in another area but began to feel fuzzy arms around them, looking up and seeing Huggy Wuggy who was watching over them/her/him this whole time. Y/N was a little weirded out due to Huggy tried to kill Y/N (since the first chapter lol) but regardless, played along but also not wanting to get on huggy's bad side.

As you both ventured out in the hallways, you saw a hole in the floor that seemed impossible to get over but a handle for you to grab on with your grabpack. You used one of your grab packs to get over but also looked back to Huggy who was on the other side, he seemed confused on how to get on the side but you decided to drag him with the grabpack which surprisingly worked.

When both of you made it to a room, a voice was heard and it was poppy. You were surprised that poppy was now walking since the last time you saw her in the box.

"Oh, uh- sorry! I didn't mean to scare you. I was just get the power back on." Poppy spoke, being friendly towards Y/N who seemingly helped poppy turn on the power with your grabpack.

After you finished turning on the power, poppy applauded. Then she spoke to you while huggy was seemingly interested in the lights.

"Um- I wanted to thank you for freeing me. I was stuck in there for so long, thank you. I'd like to pay you back; there is a train station nearby, it needs a code and I have it. We're gonna get out of here as soon as you- get up here!"

Y/N then went under the handle to use the grabpack to get up but failed miserably. Until huggy poked your shoulder and lead you to another way to meet poppy.

"Hey, I'm up here! I see you. (She giggled) I should be able to follow you through the vents, this way!"

It took a while to get to the other side but you both eventually caught up with poppy, getting through some passages were a challenge but huggy wuggy helped you along the way. But you both eventually made it.

Poppy was waiting for you to come over by a large hole in the ground, as you both made it, poppy began to speak;

"Listen, I'm going to need you to trust me-"

Suddenly, as soon as poppy was interrupted, a pink stretchy elastic arm came out of nowhere. Taking poppy with her screaming, leaving you and huggy wuggy puzzled but huggy standing back yet familiar with this being whose arm was elastic and pink.

Nonetheless, Y/N decided to jump into the hole but realizing that they/she/he was in a slide and it was... interesting.

"Damn, I wonder where that thing took poppy..." Y/N muttered under their breath, more puzzled instead of scared.

Huggy wuggy patted your head in a more friendly gesture. You then smiled softly as you thought that Huggy was now gonna be with you and wouldn't dare harm you unless if you betrayed him which you wouldn't.

It took a while for Y/N to finish turning on the power which was a pain in the arse but Y/N eventually turned it on. The door opened and you both went through a large hallway and as Y/N was about to use the grabpack on a button, you flinched and saw red hand grabpack disappeared and a new voice was heard.

"Gasp a new playmate!"

You and huggy both looked up to see this pink spider-like elastic toy. Her green eyes were staring right at you, in one of her hands, she held poppy as hostage.

"It's been so.... Long. Isn't this exciting, poppy?"

The pink spider woman then spoke in another tone mimicking or just making poppy speak despite the fact that poppy's mouth was covered.

"Very exciting, mommy."

"Mommy heard that miss poppy was just give you the train to escape, now how is that fun? Instead, why don't we make a game out of it. The game station is still working, it will just like old times!"

The pink spider woman spoke for poppy yet again.

"And if you will all three games, I'll give you the train code!"

This supposedly called "Mommy" spoke in her normal tone.

"Mommy loves that idea poppy, oh, you're gonna to have so much fun! Head to musical memory and mommy will get things started."

Y/N stood their/her/his ground and huggy seemed to bare his teeth, protecting Y/N. Then mommy got a little close and spoke.

"Obey the rules, or I'll tear you apart and eat your insides. While you're still alive."

Mommy then disappeared, giggling in an insane way as she kept on giggling. Leaving you both huggy wuggy and yourself alone. You both then proceeded to go and save poppy and escape the toy factory.

"Jeez... looks like we'll take a long time to get through 3 games, huh huggy?" Y/N somewhat said jokingly to Huggy but still wanting to escape.

Huggy then went over and gave Y/N a hug, him somewhat purring as well, you smiled and hugged him back as you both made it to the game station.

'Let the games begin.'

Well that's all for now!!! Finally made another chapter and hope you enjoy it you lovely readers!!! Have a nice day!!

Word count: 967

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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