Chapter 1: Role Models

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Chapter 1

"Okay... okay..." Ari panted to herself, as she double checked her purse for her keys, wallet and cell phone. She then turned to the 6-year-old boy who stood quietly by the front door, clutching his school bag as he bit his lip. She bent down to straighten his jacket and tuck in his t-shirt

"You're getting good at picking out your own clothes! I'm so proud of you Toyo!" She ruffled his hair, but he flinched, raising his shoulders to show his discomfort, making her stop and retract her hand. Ari bit her lip, feeling her heart sink. He still wasn't talking to her, no matter how hard she tried.

She stood up and quickly patted her cheeks, stopping the tears threatening to form as she laughed,

"Come on Toyo, let's get you to school! I promise I'll be on time to pick you up, today..." She said, as they rushed outside towards the elementary school. Ari marched down the halls of the school, entering his classroom. She bowed in front of Toyo's teacher

"Have a wonderful day Toyo" She said to him, but he ignored her, walking to an empty desk away from the other kids, looking at his hands. She bit her lip, she wanted to cry again from feeling so dejected. Toyo's teacher put a hand on her shoulder, giving a sympathetic smile

"It'll take time... I'm sure he will make friends soon..." She said and Y/n just nodded, before the teacher cleared her throat

"Miss Shiyo, please try being on time to pick Toyo-kun up... I'm afraid it's becoming a habit and that's not healthy for him" She said, and Y/n just nodded, apologising as she left the classroom. After that point, everything was a blur for her, she didn't even realise when or how she got to her office, until she stared at herself in the washroom mirror...

Ari sighed, looking at her face

"I look horrible..."

She froze, when the stall opened, and two other female employees walked in

"He asked you out!? I'm so excited for you!!!" One squealed as the other laughed, applying her lipstick. Ari quietly pretended to wash her hands, taking her time

"I know! I really hope he's as good in bed as they say" She giggled, before they turned to walk out. Ari sighed, closing the tap as she stared at her dark circles and unkempt hair. When was the last time she had a decent sleep... a date... sex?

Ari touched her face, gazing hard at her reflection. Her heart was pounding, and she felt nauseous... She turned away from the mirror and left the bathroom quietly going to her desk to begin working, blurring everything around her. At the office, she was a nobody...

In life, she was a nobody....

Sugawara sighed as he watched the children play during recess. His colleague sat by him, the older woman was bored as she observed the kids too. Sugawara and her idly chatted,

"So that blind date didn't work out then?" Mine asked and Sugawara laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck

"Um... we weren't really compatible... She was looking for a guy with a.... higher salary I guess...." He said and Mine sighed

"How tacky of her... you really nice to find a nice woman Sugawara-san... You're such a sweet man! If only I was younger" Mine sighed, making Sugawara blush and he laughed. He stopped laughing when he eyed one child isolating himself from the others, back against the wall as he quietly stared at his shoes...

"Mine-san, who's that?" He asked, pointing to the kid. Mine spotted Toyo and she sighed,

"That's Toyo... he's in my class" She said, and Sugawara frowned, watching the child fiddle with his fingers

[ON HOLD*] Just Breathe ~ 18+ (Timeskip!Sugawara Koshi x OC) NSFWWhere stories live. Discover now