Chapter 6: Sleepovers

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Chapter 6

"Toyo, are you ready?" Ari called as she waited by the front door. It was a dreaded Monday morning, where she had to force herself to be a normal functioning member of society. However, today was different for the young woman. She woke up, happy. She didn't groan when her alarm went off, she found herself humming a tune whilst getting ready for the day before her mood became increasingly better, preparing Toyo's bento.

Toyo quietly treaded towards her, clutching his school bag. Ari smiled at the young child,

"Good morning!" She sang, making Toyo flush and look at his shoes. She sighed, turning to the stand behind her, grabbing his bento, handing it to him.

"Here you go Toyo, I put your favourite in here today..." She bent down closer to him, a cheeky look on her face before she beckoned him to come closer, a hand cupping the side of her face.

"...there's also dessert..." She whispered, making the boy's eyes widen and sparkle, she chuckled

"That's right... I've put a box of pocky in here. I hope you enjoy it!" She stood up, grinning before she turned to unlock the front door

"A...arigato..." Toyo mumbled

Ari froze for a second, a little shocked, wondering if she imagined that. Turning her head, she eyed Toyo who was busy, looking at the packed bento in his hands, eyes filled with excitement.

Maybe it was from being in a state of shock, but a sudden laugh left her lips and she cupped her mouth, startling both of them.

"I-I'm sorry, I- Hehe!" She covered her mouth again, trying not to shake from how hard she was holding in her laughs, but her eyes welled in tears and she burst out laughing

"I-I'm sorry To-Toyo...!" Her voice shook as she laughed, "...I-I'm just feeling really happy right now!"

Shaking her head, she took a deep breath, composing herself, turning to him one more time

"After you" She ushered to the open door and he gave her a confused look, making his way outside. The walk towards the school was quiet, Ari wasn't sure whether she should force a conversation out of her nephew, or just let him be. Hearing him express his gratitude to her, even if it was just one word... It lifted her entire morning even more... Somehow, after meeting Sugawara, her life was slowly changing, she felt it.

She felt her heart skip a tiny little beat, remembering Saturday night... It was clearly obvious that both of them had been sexually deprived, letting their lust get the better of them. She felt guilty, hiding this newfound relationship from everyone, especially Toyo... but she couldn't risk it. If Sugawara and she fell out, her relationship with Toyo would be affected. There was a feeling of unsettlement inside her. As much as she wanted to have someone by her side, her life was now dedicated to Toyo. Whoever got involved with her, would also have to be involved with Toyo.

In a sense, Sugawara being Toyo's sensei was a great aspect but... she already knew Toyo preferred his sensei over her, if their relationship got messy, then all the progress she was making with Toyo, would get lost and they'd go back to square 1.

"Ari, we're adults, alright... How can you decide if this relationship won't work out before it even started? I promise you; I won't let it interfere with Toyo's life. What if we keep it a secret for now?" Sugawara held out a peace sign

Ari snapped from her thoughts when a chained dog began barking at them. She noticed Toyo freezing, legs shaking slightly. He was too afraid of passing the rowdy little dog, feeling amused, she cleared her throat, extending her hand

"Here... I promise he won't hurt you! Will you trust me?" She asked, making Toyo bite his lip before he nodded and reached to grab her hand, she squeezed it tenderly, taking a deep breath

[ON HOLD*] Just Breathe ~ 18+ (Timeskip!Sugawara Koshi x OC) NSFWWhere stories live. Discover now