Chapter 3: Bonding

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Chapter 3

"Thank you so much Sugawara-san" Ari whispered when he shut Toyo's door, after tucking him in. He just smiled,

"It's no problem, I'm glad he's getting a good sleep. He'll be energetic for school tomorrow, he had a long day today..." Sugawara muttered, and Ari shuffled from her position, walking towards the lounge, Sugawara made his way to the front door. She felt a little hesitant, watching his back. Memories of Kazue flashing in her mind... She didn't know why but she didn't want him to leave

"Um... Would you like some tea before you leave? It's pretty cold outside..." She tried reasoning and Sugawara froze, standing straight before he could slip his shoes on. He turned to Ari and she stood awkwardly by the dining table, shuffling on her feet. Her heartbeat paced when his lips curled into a gentle smile and he loosened his scarf

"Tea would be lovely, thank you!"

She blushed, turning to her kitchen counter to prepare the tea and she hid the silly creepy grin on her face. Ari wanted to slap herself for being so jittery, but the last man that entered her house was the delivery guy and that was weeks ago...

'Calm down, he's Toyo's sensei... Don't be desperate...' She muttered in her head, preparing the serving tray. She picked up their mugs, making her way next to him.

"So... how was Toyo today?" She asked, genuinely interested and Sugawara sipped his tea, turning to her.

"He was great, I introduced him to another new student today during lunch and they seemed to get along quite well in fact. I think a solid friendship might arise, both of them are good kids" He revealed, and she leaned back onto the couch, smiling warmly at her cup.

"I'm glad to hear this... It's very important to have a friend you can be yourself with..." She muttered, furrowing her brows before turning to Sugawara

"And how was he after school?"

Sugawara's gentle smile remained,

"Enthusiastic as ever, he finished his homework and then he made a few drawings too. Actually, they're in his bag... If you want to see?"

She nodded, getting up and making her way to the entrance where Toyo's schoolbag lay, bringing it back to Sugawara, she pulled the zip open and he reached in to grab a folder. Ari watched as he displayed them on the coffee table. He smiled looking at a crayon drawing Toyo made of Ari and him. He lifted it up and showed it to her

"He made a drawing of the two of you. Looking at how imaginative and creative he is!" He beamed and she hummed, looking at the innocent drawing. Two messily drawn figures, obviously the boy was Toyo, and he was clutching the hand of the bigger figure. They were drawn in what seemed like a park, blotches and scribbles to what she deemed were flowers and grass. Her eyes lingered on the longer way scribbles he made as her hair. She smiled softly, a finger rubbing the smiling faces and her heart stinging, putting the drawing down before she looked at the others, laughing quietly

"He does have quite the imagination, I'd never expected... I always wonder what goes on in his mind..." She sighed, neatly stacking the papers and putting them back in Toyo's bag. Sugawara glanced at her face, he was entranced by the way her long eyelashes grazed her cheek when she blinked, how her brown eyes peeked under them when she looked at him. He shyly gazed at his mug, feeling a bit awkward but he wanted to know more about them. He wanted to see more of her... Somehow, when she asked him to stay for tea... he felt needed... She sounded so lonely... He couldn't feel it in himself to leave.

"Shiyo-san, what do you and Toyo do on the weekends or holidays?" He asked and she shrugged,

"Honestly, I think Toyo dreads the weekends with me. I just don't know what to do, he avoids me so much that people assume I'm a stranger bothering him... Toyo unwillingly joins me when I go to buy groceries, I try taking him to the park too but... he usually holds his icecream until it melts, waiting for me to take him home so that he can go to his room..." Her shoulders slumped and Sugawara frowned, putting his mug down.

[ON HOLD*] Just Breathe ~ 18+ (Timeskip!Sugawara Koshi x OC) NSFWWhere stories live. Discover now