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Skylar laid on her bed looking up at the room smiling, she couldn't believe the Drew Starkey had kissed her only hours ago. It was something most girls would only dream about and Skylar liked the fact that it happened to her.

Skylar turns on her side opening her laptop and going into Netflix, taping on the search bar on the left side of the screen she types in the words OUTER BANKS. She starts to play the first episode and smiles when she sees all her friends show up.

The door creaks open and Skylar panics closing her laptop screen as fast as she could looking at the boy, "what are you trying to hide porn?" Skylar showed a disgusted face and Jackson sat on the end of her bed.

"What do you want Jack?" she asks sitting up next to him, "I am sorry about what happened at the club, I was being stupid and only caring about myself. I know when you're ready you will come back to me".

Skylar gives him a look and rolls her eyes, "what if I don't want to be with you?" he smirks to her and moves himself closer sitting right next to her. "Come on Sky, we both know you will" Skylar scoffs and gets off the bed looking at him.

"Jackson, I don't want to be hurt again and I think I have found a guy-"

"You mean that tall idiot you were talking to before?" Skylar rolled her eyes and felt Jackson brush his fingers on hers, "he's not right for you! you're from different worlds" she moves her hands away and walks backwards as he walks towards her.

"Why do you get to say who's right and wrong for me?" her back hits the wall and he leans in so they lips are inches away from each other, "because I know you" Skylar smirks and leans her head back on the wall, "so you would know that after we kissed he asked me on a date, where of course I said yes" Jackson starts to get mad and walks backwards from her staying silent.

They stand there in silence and walks out of the room without saying a word. Skylar sighs and holds her hand to her chest, that was the first time she had ever stood up for herself in that way against anyone.

Skylar had started to feel bad for him but soon realized that it was getting late and got ready for bed. She started to fall asleep until she heard a text tone go off and looked over at her phone.


Hey Sky! about that date we talked about, you free tomorrow?

Skylar smiled and got out of bed peeking through her doorway and saw everybody sitting on the couch talking and laughing while watching tv.


Can't wait! Where are we going?


It's a surprise but wear something nice, I'll pick you up at 3pm


It's a date:)

Skylar smiled and fell back on her bed, starting to think about what Jackson had said earlier. He's not right for you! you're from different worlds those nine words just replaying in her head starting to get her questioning if he really likes her or if this is just for publicity.

≺ Author's Note ≻

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Author's Note

sorry this is a short chapter but i promise that the next one will come very soon!

thank you for 450 reads! wow :)

remember to vote, comment and follow babes <3

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