Im not letting you take our blood!

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TW: needles, mention of blood, blood.

Me and the boys had been in the orphanage for about an week, Ive been staying in my room the most time, Tubbo was just staring at the wall for the most time, and ranboo was sleeping for most of the time.

It was morning I was sleeping in the top bunk with Ranboo in the bottom bunk, I looked at the other end of the room to see the goat hybrid awake. 

"Psst Tubs!" I whispered, "Yeah tommy?" Tubbo whispered back. "Should we wake up Ranboo? The worker is going to get mad if we dont start getting ready." 

Tubbo nodded then hopped out of bed, I pulled off my covers and climbed down the ladder. My feet hit the cold floor with a thump. I looked at tubbo who was now in front of ranboo, he cleared his throat and yelled "WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!-" "AGH-" Ranboo yelled as he shot up and hit his head on the top bunk. "Agh-" Ranboo groaned as he wrapped his hands around his head.

"Sorry big man-" Tubbo said to ranboo. "Its fine-" 

"We got to start getting ready" I chimed in, Ranboo an Tubbo agreed and we started getting ready.

After we got ready a worker knocked on the door, "Come in" I said. The door opened revealing mrs Puffy. 

She was the only nice worker here, "Goodmorning Mrs Puffy!" Tubbo said to puffy. "Good morning Tubbo!" Puffy answered.

"So puffy you said that today we had to get a blood test or what was it called" I said, I still didn't know what a blood test is.

"Yeah you three have a blood test today to see if your healthy!" Puffy started and then continued "We should get going now!"

We all nodded and followed Mrs puffy, I wrapped my tail around Tubbos arm not even noticing it. 

Puffy led us to a room and sat us down, "This nice man here will take your blood" Puffy said as he pointed to a creeper hybrid. We all nodded not knowing how it will happen. 

"Alright! So lets get started! Hello my name is Sam and I will be doing taking your blood" The sam dude said.

The man took out a needle and some other things, after he got everything ready he kneeled down and was ready to poke me with the needle, I jumped and yelled out "HEY WHAT THE?! IM NOT LETTING YOU TAKE OUR BLOOD!" 

"Tommy calm down it only will hurt for a second" Sam said, I shook my head and hid behind tubbo. 

"Mr sam maybe you can do me first so I can show Tommy that it doesnt hurt!" Tubbo said. Sam nodded with a small smile and took Tubbos blood.

"Alright! See tommy it doesnt hurt! Now are you ready to get your blood taken?" Puffy asked me. I shook my head no, "Alright Ill do ranboo and then you okay?" Sam said. I nodded my head and waited till my turn.

When it was my turn puffy offered to hold my hand. I said no of course because Im a big man.

Sam took my blood and after he was done he gave us lollipops. We thanked him and went back to our room.

Technoblades pov:

"We should get the three blood tests soon." Philza said, "Yeah but dad why do you think one of them could be Theseus?"  Asked wilbur. "No I dont think that Im just making sure they aren't"

"Tech your a bit quieter then usual whats on your mind?" "Im kind of hopping that one of them is Theseus." I said, "We'll see" Philza said. 

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