Late night

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Drunk People


It was an intense night for the both of Dream and Techno. Shit when did this happen though? The blond got banged by Techno, if he remembered it right he just got out of his class and wanted to go have a drink with his friends but then..


 "Dream you're drunk right now" George chuckled out, seeing Dream eyes were half lidded and head were nodding slightly, soon he will hit his own head onto the table.
"I am not.. Fu--... FucKiNg druNK!" Dream is quite stubborn when he was drunk, and won't admit that he was drunk all for the sake to get more beer of course.

"Someone please send him home, he's really drunk right now" George asked for one of their friends to send Dream home, but of course no one wants to because Sapnap need to send his two boyfriends home and then Skeppy need to send Bad home though Bad actually didn't drunk because he don't like alcohol, but yet Skeppy just worried about Bad.

"Nothing can do then.. I will send Dream home" George got up from his seat asked grabbed Dream by his arm, he really do need to send Dream home soon before Puffy got worried about him. "God you're so heavy Drea-" Stopped once a bit figure standing infront of him, oh shit it was Techno, since when did he was here? "I will send him home" Grabbed the drunk Dream arm, he dragged Dream with him and leave the confused brunette alone. What did just happen? That's what George ask to himself, hoping that he could find the answer for this shit.


"Technooooo...~" Dream whined out, where is he? Well.. Absolutely in a love motel, wait.. Why did he was there? "God, why did you let them touch you?! Now you covered with their scent!" Techno growled, seemed like Techno was jealous and it's somehow amusing to watch Techno get jealous over a small things.

"Whyyy~? They're my friends of course they gonna touch me.." Dream hand lightly gripped tight on Techno sleeve, eyes that were half lidded just looking up at a big figure infront of him.

"Friends, strangers or whatever they or things are I don't want anyone to touch what's mine" Give a glare at the drunk Dream, but Dream just chuckled out at Techno glare "Fufu.. You big baby~ you got jealous so easily~" A soft kiss on Techno lips calmed him down immediately. Every time Techno get mad, sad or jealous Dream just have to kiss his lips to cheer him up, and it's always work.

"There~ finally you calmed down~" Dream hand that were pressing Techno nape slowly moved down to Techno chest, it was squishy and soft "Hehe.. ~ now that my big boy calmed down I shall give you reward!~" Moved down to Techno crotch, he want to tease the male infront of him and have a bit of a fun.

"Aren't you teasing me to much?~" Is all Techno say before pinned Dream wrist to the walls, shit, everything is about to go down to the hill because Dream could see Techno lusty eyes staring deep into him. But the atmosphere right now really give him the mood.

 "Ahah~ let's move onto the bed~" Grabbed Techno wrist, he dragged Techno to the bed and pulls him on top of him "Now that we on the bed.." Taking his clothes off, he get on his elbow with other hand were moved down to his ass to loose his hole "We shall start our game!~" Drunk Dream is the best for Techno, he could see horny Dream when he was drunk.

"As your wish~" And with that their "little game" started.


 "FU--AGH?!~" A hard slam by Techno hard cock really send him a shock, fuck Techno really hit his cock right onto his prostate "M----Hmh!!~ Mo--More!!~" Dream wrist were got pulled by Techno who were fucking Dream from behind, Dream face were pressed against the bed sheets, hand were clenched into a fist because of the pain he receive by Techno "Fucking slut~ we did it for almost 15 hours and yet you still have the stamina to keep going~" Another hard slam on Dream ass give him another shock that caused his body to jolted and trembling from both pleasure and pain.

"Mffmh---!!~" Dream tried to speak out but nothing coming out instead just a moan coming from his rosy lips. Shit, every inch of his body feels so good even with his nipples that got played by Techno rough hand.

"C'mon~ you still dripping here~ you had cummed out for 12th times and yet you still become this wet~" Just few more hard thrust and Dream cums for a 13th times along with Techno who cum deep inside of Dream "Ack---!!!!~~" Finally it's end, Techno took his cock out of Dream asshole and let Dream body collapsed with Techno seed dripping down from his hole to his thighs.

"That's a beautiful view though, it got me hard again~" Dream eyes who just about to close widen open when he heard Techno is about to have another round, and so his body automatically got up and facing Techno "NO! NU UH! IM TIRED SO LET'S STOP HERE" Dream stopping Techno, he kinda disappointed with Dream answer but what can he do, he need to respect his decision "Fine.. Then let's take a warm bath~" And with that the both take a warm bath and go to sleep while Puffy is dead worried about his duckling.

The end


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