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  "It's all your fault!" Swing his sword right to Dream's face just to broke his mask in half, it got split into two pieces "..!" Skeppy gulped at the fact that he just broke Dream's mask, but who cares right? This motherfucker has ruin everything and put everyone in misery "Hah.. De-.. Deserve you right huh?" For no good nor bad reasons Skeppy stuttering out, is it because he feel bad for breaking Dream's mask? "You.. You just FUCKING broke my mask!" Dream give the diamond hybrid a glare and immediately swing his sword to him just to leave a small opened flesh that dripped blood.

  "Did you know how important is that mask for me?!" Dream really losing it this time, from a complete maniac that always laughing at others pain finally cried out just for the mask "It just a stupid mask! What so important about it?! Is it also even important than the disc you chase?! If so then why the fuck you declare a war! All for the sake of the land, server and a single stupid disc?!"

    That words really piercings into Dream's heart, not because of anything it just because the fact it's truth "So.. You think im stupid? Yeah I know my mask is important but the disc.. They are also important.. The server.. Someone ASK me to take care of it.." Dream face palmed, knees getting weak it was a hard truth though, but not all of it was a truth "You just a nobody here Skeppy.. You have no right to get on my way.. You should remember your place, you work under me" A glare that piercing into Skeppy give him a shudder, yes he know his place, he is below Dream but he can't just stand still.

  "Yes I do.. I do fucking remember Dream.." He take a step closer to the blond, hand reached out for the tall blond and grabbed his hoodie "But can't we just go back to the time where we live our own life without care about what others do? I know someone ask you to take care of this server, make everyone as one big family but.. The way you do it was wrong Dream, it just break everyone apart!.. Don't you realize it?" Break everyone apart? Did he? If he tried to remember it back yeah.. He did it in a wrong way, he did break everyone apart but it's to late to ask for forgiveness right? "You right.. I did realize it now.. But it's to late for asking for forgiveness.. Am i right? That just ONE thing that could fix this messed up server.." He took off his armors and throw away his weapons "I shall let them execute me" Hand raise up to the air, no this was not what Skeppy was planning, this is NOT what he was planning.

  "Wait Dream..-" Dream shook his head with a pitiful smile "It's fine.. After all i had done something bad and become a villain like everyone want to.." A sigh escaping from the blond lips "But could we did it..? For the first time and for the last time? We have been together for a year but we never did it.. You always clinging onto Bad" A chuckled from Dream broke Skeppy heart, he can't stop him nor do anything to help Dream, wonder who's fault is this "Sure.. But please do tell me if it's hurt"


  "Th-the--mffph~!" Dream whined out when Skeppy thrust in him "Dream don't hold it.. Tell me if it's hurt.." Skeppy is death worried about Dream, he scare if he hurts Dream "I-.. It's fi--Ac-!~" Dream body jolted and start to trembling when Skeppy slammed into him, Dream's hand that holding onto Skeppy tightened like his life was depending on him, but which is false, his life is depending on people heart that would disagree with him getting execute "Dream.. Breath.. Breath slowly.." A warm kiss on Dream's forehead calmed Dream down a bit "There.. There.." Skeppy took all of his length out just to thrust them all in one thrust which cause Dream to gasped out from pain "Agh-- hu-.. Hu.. Mffngh~!!" Dream cried out from both pleasure and pain, but that's make the diamond hybrid to stop because he thought Dream cry because of him.

  "Dre--" A soft lovely kiss from Dream cut Skeppy off, which Skeppy return back with tongue slid in to the blond mouth, both fucking and making out with each other, and that was gonna be the last time they doing it, that night was passionate and intense but also has a bit of the sadness due to Dream will get execute soon. Nothing Skeppy couldn't do other than accepting the fate, that night Skeppy really makes love with Dream until he satisfied because after this he could never done this with him anymore.


  It's a gloomy rainy day, and it was a day where Dream will get execute. "Dream has declare a war, committing arson and murder, manipulating, blowing up L'manburg which we call it the doomsday and few more crime that he has done in this server. Today! We will see Dream head getting chopped off from his body, and the person that would done it will be Tommy so Tommy please come up here" An axe in Tommy's hand ready to chop Dream's head off, while Dream just get ready for his death, and plus he had give the revive book to someone he really trust, of course it's Philza and Technoblade. Today is the last day Dream will breath, after this he won't see a light anymore.. And Skeppy...

  "Now" Tubbo demanding for Tommy to chop Dream's head, which Tommy start to raise his axe up to the air. Dream's eyes closed, hand clenched onto fear but this is what he deserve and then there, head getting chopped, blood dripping down from Tommy's axe as Dream's head rolled to the side. It was an unpleasant view especially for Skeppy, he had to watch his loved one getting execute for his crime. Tears start rolling down his cheeks, as he went to the stage where they execute Dream just to pick up the head of Dream, everyone that attend to watch Dream getting execute just watch Skeppy went away with Dream's head in his head.

  "Don't worry I will buried your head in a nice place.. I can't bring your body with me so I just took your head.. I'm sorry.."

 Is all Skeppy say as he went to a deep forest, where he will buried Dream's head and build a grave far away from everyone.


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