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Dreamnoblade (Im obssesd with it alrigh-)

Too much Love
Maybe a little angst at the end of the story???


From strangers to rival
From rival to frenemy
From frenemy to a close friend
From a close friend to a lover
From lover to a married couple

Their love grow since Techno saw Dream smile. Dream long fluffy hair got pulled back by Techno. Both really drank to much until they could throw up, despite being dizzy Dream still could smile sweetly over his shoulder before facing the tall pinkette and thanking him. After helping Dream and give him a cup of warm water, Techno gently dragged Dream by his wrist to dance with him. That night was beautiful and same goes to the wonderful love that growing in their heart.

Each day, their love keep growing and growing, making the both thirsty for each other love and affection. No more fear to confess their feelings despite they still has a slight fear in them. But the both got desperate for each other love until they confess their love under the bright moonlight and having their first kiss in a hill that has a beautiful view. Now the both confessed their love, yet their love for each other keep growing. Dear god why do I love this man so much, no one know other than themselves. The reasons to love each other, the reasons to stay by their side, the reasons to live with them until their death came, it's all came from their sincerity heart that belongs to each other, no one could stop nor tear them apart, no one could break them apart, no one could make them go against each other. But sometimes they would fight, but as you can see not every relationship will go without a fight. Because of the jealousy, wrath, misunderstanding, selfishness and egoist, these small things could bring a fight but yet it just make their love become even stronger.

Each years has pass yet both still live their life with their little prince, Ranboo. Techno would wake up from his sleep and prepare the breakfast for his dearest husband and son. Giving Dream a food service on bed, giving him morning kisses and his favourite food for breakfast, it's just making Dream love become bigger for Techno. After breakfast, Techno would send Ranboo to school and went for work while Dream take care of the house. Each day keep repeating but sometimes there is a special day for Dream and his family. Though their life and day keep repeating, Dream and Techno will never get bored of each other instead their love keep growing.

After years has passed, seeing Ranboo get married and having a child, get old and is about to be in the edge of their life, the both still stayed together by their side. The love words keep coming out from each other lips. The night they always spend, the day they always spend, these all years they always spend together is all a good memories for the both. Dream and Techno would promise to each others, saying that they would stay by their side together and love each other for the eternity, even though they will become ghost, the both will always love each other.

And surprisingly, the both is on the edge of their life and for their last words, the both just say how much they love each others and will meet again at the next life, Techno also added that he promised to Dream that he will find Dream in the next life no matter what because his heart is belong to Dream. And that's the promise they made before passing away, both grave just next to each other. Those words keep echoing for us.. 

"All I has just you, my love for you will never change nor dead. Even if in the next life, I will find you and meet again for the second time in our next life.."


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