Ch. 1

164 3 0

3rd pov.

(y/n) was currently sitting on the floor of the deck in the heart pirates' submarine as it had resurfaced.

"(y/n)-ya, have you seen my sword?" law walked out with a tired and disoriented look in his eyes.

(y/n) looked up at him and shook their head.

"hmm.. Perhaps do you know where it COULD have been?" law asked again as (y/n) thought for a while.

(y/n) summoned a small speech bubble that says; 'maybe in the storage room? I remember you always forgetting it there'

Law hummed before nodding at them and leaving.

(y/n) sighs inwardly.

'why does he have to carry his sword around when it's literally in the middle of the ocean? I mean-it does makes sense when a marine or pirate ship attacks, right? But that's like.... 5/100 occurrences, the ocean is big. Not small.' (y/n) thought to them self.

(y/n) shook their head and tilted their head up, a habit they got from their second oldest brother,

'that guy literally carries a something-whatever pound or kilogram of weight on their shoulder. That huge nodachi is Hella big, too.... I wonder if I could carry it' (y/n) hums inwardly again.

(y/n) closed their eyes slowly as the smell of the salty sea enters the mask.

'I REALLY need to ask good old Sammy to fix my mask. It doesn't have good ventilation...' (y/n) sighs.

'speaking of Sammy old friend, how's ponks... Those two must be a couple now... This is unfair!' they thought, huffing.

"what're you giving an attitude about (y/n)-ya?" law asks as he walks over beside them and leaning back against the railing.

'I have been thinking about my old friend. It just ruined my day' a speech bubble said making law chuckle.

"why is that?"

'CLEARLY he must've had a boyfriend or girlfriend by now. He's fucking- I'm 22! That is unfair!'

"how old is he?"

'I think by now..... He's 23.'

"23... He's the same age as me, anyways.... Who's this friend of yours?" law asks.

'why are you so eager?'

"I was just..... Asking"

'the tone you're using isn't asking... Sir'

"really? Then what do I have to use?"

'why are you asking me? It's your tone, not mine.'

"true.... But what're you doing here?"

'I was HOPING to have an alone time since I just finished my job. Too bad I can't enjoy it now.' (y/n) huffs again.

Law laughs a bit

"what a coincidence, same here"

'same here. What a common excuse. Do you know how many times you have said that?'

"oh? How many?"

'technically speaking, if I were to count it... It would be 15,351. But to round it off to the nearest thousands, it would be 15,000.'

"how can you count so many?"

'you fell for it, I didn't really count it.'

"oh you fucking bitch." law chuckled as (y/n) shrugs.

"captain!" bepo yelled


"I'm sorry!"

'you have lots of free time, teach him how to be at least confident.'

"I might get on with that, what is it bepo?"

"we'll be arriving at the island in.... A few hours sir, approximately after lunch time" bepo nodded.

"okay, is lunch ready?"

"u-um.. I haven't checked... I'm sorry!"

"it's alright, just call everyone for lunch" law sighs.

"h-hai! I'm sorry!" bepo apologized before stumbling/running in.

"he needs some confidence, let's go?" law asked as he held out a hand for (y/n) to grab.

In which they did, (y/n) grabbed his hand and stood up before brushing dust off of their uniform and went in right behind him.

Shutting the door locked as a precautionary measure of someone miraculously slipping in.


(y/n) was silently eating in their corner, they started to 'accidentally' here what they were talking about.

"have you heard about the 'GOLD' family?"

"gol d Roger's family?"

"no, no, 'GOLD' family."

"oh? That human and God infested family?"

"yeah! The father was a human yet lived for decades, also known as 'angel of death' and the mother is the goddess of death!"

"isn't the 'death' part supposed to be a God?"

"I know right! I was told death was a God!"

"maybe she isn't a death God... Just.. Killed people to said as a 'god'?"

"no, no, it IS a goddess."

"really? That's so cool, anyways... What of them?"

"I just heard that they have 5 children"

"five? That must be hard"

"yeah! One of them, which is the oldest, is the self-proclaimed 'blood god'"

"blood God? What?" law joins in.

"yeah, they kill anyone the voices in their head wants them to, they spill blood to how anyone or atleast someone wants it."

"hmm... It would be bad if we were the ones who gets to meet him and these... 'voices' target us"

"that won't do, it is said that he is now with the government-"

(y/n) felt them self choke on their food causing the three to look over.


"Are you alright (y/n)-San?" shachi asked as (y/n) drank water and nod their head.

"you sure?" law asked as (y/n) breathes in and nods.

"if you say so"

'what the HELL is going on?'


(y/n) sighed to them self for about the 10th time that day.

"what's wrong (y/n)-ya?" law asked, popping out of nowhere

'what the fuck! You scared the leaving shit out of me!'

The letters shook violently as (y/n)'s insides almost exploded.

Law chuckled before patting their head.

"I'm sorry then, what seems to be your problem?"

(y/n) sighs.

'it just isn't like him... He HATES the government. What type of excuse does he have to make ailments with them...' (y/n) sighs...

"who's... 'he'?"

'I forgot, it's no one... Just my brother, he makes stupid decisions'

"hmm... Is that so? Well then, you should just let him... Although he might be against you if he's working in the government..." (y/n) hummed at law's comment.

'I'll talk to him later...'

"you have contact to him?"

'of course I do! He's my oldest brother after all... And besides, he'd be mad as hell if I don't.'

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