Ch. 2

79 2 0

3rd pov (about three months later)

(y/n) walked to the gallery but before that, (y/n) went ahead and entered their room.

(y/n) closed the door behind them and walked over to the desk and sighs deeply.

Their room was small but has fitted a platform bed on one side, a drawer full of clothes on the foot of it, a desk beside the bed that has a porthole above it and a small bookshelf under the desk..

(y/n) hummed before pulling a drawer and seeing an old picture album.

It was thick, they managed to steal it from their mother before they left.

They opened it.

It was already full of pictures.

(y/n) sighs as their eyes glided its gaze over the various pictures.

(y/n) closed it and and placed it back on the drawer and took their own personal photo album.

It was all just some randomized pictures, some have notes on the bottom, some have small doodles (like a stick an or horns on colorful markers), and if lucky, some roasts.

There's a picture of a man with long pastel pink hair that has red eyes and is wearing a very.... 'beautiful' maid outfit.

'techno-Chan!!' was the note on the bottom.

(y/n) huffed a small laugh.

(y/n) placed it back where they found it and left the room.

Meanwhile, law wanders around the sub and saw (y/n) leaving her room.

(y/n) must've not noticed that they didn't close it fully and left silently.

Law hummed before going to their door.

He opened it a bit and the first thing that caught his eye is an axe.

Law hummed before entering and closing the door behind him.

He went over to the desk and opened a drawer up, he saw two books. An old one, and a new one.

He took the new one and immediately noticed it was a photo album.

He opened it on a random page and saw 5 people.

2 looked younger than (y/n), tand two older than them.

What also made him question is that, (y/n)'s face was scribbled out with a black marker.

The four others were boys.

After him reading some past articles about this... 'blood god' he saw that one of them, (the older one) is the blood God himself.

The blood God doesn't seem to be in any state brutal, he was just.... Him.

And analyzing the others, he looked dover to the other oldest.

It was Wilbur soot! He's infamous for blowing up a country and is a maker of the strongest bombs out there.

And analyzing the last two, he recognized one as the 'crime child' of random people.

He was known for annoyance, random arson, arson in general, and just talking and spreading gossip shit about someone.

While the other was the 'president sweet boy'.

That 'president sweet boy' is known for being sweet and kind despite him being one of the most ruthless individuals out there.

'how does she have a picture with these infamous people??' law questioned himself.

(law isn't aware of (y/n)'s pronouns)

He looked at the bottom and there was a note

'these bitches never stop annoying me for this one picture, it's Hella good tho'

Law grumbled before turning another page.

On the page was (y/n) and a rookie captain, like him, puffy serenade.

Puffy was known for leading a strong crew, capable of manslaughter with no trace or evidence found.

And again, like the last picture, (y/n)'s face was scribbled out.

As he flips through the pages, he noticed everything that has (y/n) in it has scribbles over their face.

(y/n) only has ONE picture that doesn't have themselves scribbled or even in the least ruined.

It looked like a family photo, it was (y/n), blood God, Wilbur soot, 'crime child', and 'president sweet boy' altogether as children and the angel of death along with the goddess of death herself.

Law's breath hitched when he realized something.

(y/n), blood God, Wilbur soot, 'crime child', and 'president sweet boy' are siblings!

(y/n) being the literal middle child.

He glanced at (y/n) in the picture, they looked... Sophisticated, well mannered, pretty much a perfect child in THIS picture.

Along with all their siblings.

Law gulped thickly, he never questioned (y/n)'s origins, not their full name. All he knows is that they're (y/n), a 22 year old person, pretty good in almost any combat.

And... A bit powerful.

Law placed the book back in its place and went to confront (y/n).

As he turned around he saw (y/n), glaring at him... Never the way they would usually glare at anyone.

Wide eyes, blank expression, and a shadow only showing their 3yes all complimented by their hand gliding over the door and head tilted to the shoulder as law breathes in sharply...

Their mask had fallen around their neck as they closed the door behind them without their eyes leaving his.

"what are you doing in my room SIR?" (y/n)'s voice was deep for a female.

"(y/n)-ya... When are you going to tell me that you're a GOLD?" law asked with a dark and sinister voice almost rivaling theirs.

"WITH the right time... I was planning for you to find it out ON YOUR OWN without MY help or clue."

"now I've known it. What are you going to say for yourself?" law growled

"I guess... You'll just have to forget." (y/n) said with them tilting their head up by habit and to assert obvious dominance.

(y/n) stepped forward making law slightly shiver inwardly and step back.

Law doesn't know if he's scared or not. It's just the air that's making him feel or think he's scared.

Law soon bumped against the desk

"what do you mean forget? I won't forget this now that I've known." law growled as (y/n)'s face was now mere inches from him.

"I've got my devices... But for now... Forget." (y/n) hummed before tapping his nose.

Law felt himself weakened and faint.

"I'm sorry for this, but it's for your own good." law heard them say before completely passing out.

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