Ch. 5

33 0 0

3rd pov

(y/n) wore a white oversized hoodie and black pants, wearing their mask and a side bag.

(y/n) walked out to the deck and noticed law was already there.

Law was wearing a black shirt and his signature pants with his hat, he doesn't have his sword with him.... So... Yeah, it just makes him look vulnerable.

"captain..." (y/n) called, slightly muffled by the mask

"hmm? Oh, good. Let's leave?" law asked (y/n) nodded.

The two left to the island

Law was smiling all the way till nighttime.

Law felt happy around (y/n), weird... Isn't it? He would've felt a little bit of that with bepo. Just bepo.

"(y/n)-ya, it's night now.... We should be heading back..." law mentions as he looks at where (y/n) was supposed to be.

But uh... They weren't there.

"(y/n)? (y/n)... (y/n)-" he saw them finally, and saw them holding two sticks of who knows what.

He ran/walked over to (y/n) and saw him.

They handed him a stick.

It was a sugar coated strawberries.

(three strawberries in one stick)

"huh?" (y/n) just waved it to him until he took it.

(y/n) grabbed his hand and led him to some stairs and sat down on it.

Law hummed and sat down next to them.

He heard (y/n) biting into the sugar coated strawberry then hum.

"why don't you eat yours?" (y/n) asked.

"it's.... It's mine?"

"yeah. Don't you want it? It's good, not that sweet, but it's good..."

"really? Sure..." law said before biting into it.

It was fucking sweet, for law at least since he doesn't really eat sweets.

"what do you mean 'not sweet'? It's fucking sweet!" law said turning to (y/n) and saw them already done eating theirs.

"well it isn't to me!"

Law rolled his eyes.

He noticed (y/n) was eyeing his as he chuckled

"want mine? I don't want it... Let alone sweets so.. Here..." law handed (y/n) the strawberries and (y/n) GLADLY took it.

"thank you..." (y/n) hummed as law rested his head on the palm of his hand and watched (y/n) eating the sweet delicacy.

"what?" (y/n) finally noticed as they threw the sticks away...


"sorry if this offends you in any way, but you're grinning like an idiot."

Law closed his eyes and chuckled.

Just then, they heard marines marching/running towards the port.

Thanks to (y/n) pulling the both of them to the stairs, it caused them to be crowded over and not be seen by the marines.

(y/n) hummed

"I feel like this is going so bad.... La- I mean captain, let's go back to the sub. Now." law stood up and nodded.

The two ran back to the sub, unnoticed by the marines, the two hid behind to huge pillars in the port.

Law and (y/n) gasped when they saw the sub get taken over.

sure, whatever makes you happy (trafalgar law x reader) Where stories live. Discover now